Was it just me, or was Eliza Dushku hardcore overacting? Painfully? Especially in that first scene?
Anyway, that aside, I really enjoyed seeing Tahmoh Pen...Helo, because right now I'm too lazy to look it up and don't want to butcher it. It was nice to see Helo playing something other than Helo and I'm very interested in where his character goes and how he ends up interacting with the Dollhouse. It could be interesting and something other than the obvious 'I keep seeing this girl, but she doesn't quite recognize me...' bit.
What I do like, and what will keep me watching, was that this episode essententially revived a personality (or part of a personality, I suppose) that had been dead for a year and dealt with the ghosts of that personality. To me, the way it played out was poetic and lovely and I hope to see more of that exploration--not just of what "Echo" is, but of the people she becomes. I'm really looking forward to her meeting someone she's based on while in that personality to see how the 'real' person reacts to the second, altered version of themselves. If I can stand Dushku that long, anyway.
Apparently, there's no more Fringe until March. I am displeased. That cow is the shit.
Also the shit? And I can't believe I'm typing this...Ellen is the shit. For the first time ever, I actually like Poor Slutty Ellen. And it looks like Boomer and the chief might even have a second-chance at that whole ill-fated romance thing. Next week should be full of awesome.