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Apr 07, 2009 08:20

So max went from learning to crawl to learning to stand/cruise in about 2 weeks.. he can stand up with only a bit of help right now.. he can reach down for things, has learned to bend his knees so we dont lead with the noggin straight to the floor and he kinda took a couple of steps.. more shuffled in place about a 90 degree turn and then fell over..

He SOOOO hates sleeping.. he misses things. and forget going to sleep on a full tummy anymore.. we need a full tummy AND a mommy shoulder. its sooooo sweet.. I can generally drift him down with out him being fully out .. now naps are another matter.. he WANTS to be put in the crib.. and will fuss at people till they do.. Dont you know im TIRED? give me a bottle and let me lay down and NO the play pen will not work.. It does not have my monkey and hippo.
Then he swats you away.. have i mentioned hes independant.. and hes such a strange eater.. some times.. just a few bites.. yesterday for dinner he ate an entire jar of corn cassarole and then had some fruit yougurt snacks.. just cause.

We are rearranging things again.. we can block off the whole living room and the way we have it.. he has free range.. the dog is merely an obstacle to climb over.. im glad hes paitient as max gets stuck and knees him in the head and then falls over his face. Youd think hed move.

The elder made honor roll again. He's doing so well in school. Very proud of him. He has such an imagination and LOVES to read. Have to remind him to eat..hes reading at the table when we go out. Watching him with the baby is such a joy. He can do no wrong. EVERYTHING he does makes Max cackle, screech and hes teaching him to clap now. Mike and I might as well be chopped liver. Max will crawl right behind him and will shoot down the hall to look for him if hes in his room. Im sure in a few years the following will get old but right now its just awesome.

baby & boy

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