#25: Bleach

Sep 15, 2011 17:55

(28) Bleach: Ichigo & Rukia done for otp20in20

Bleach: Ichigo/Rukia

1. Zoom +/-2. Notebook3. Contact4. Nature5. Magazine Cover

6. Rainbow7. Text as texture8. Devil/Angel9. Sprinkles of joy10. Culmination

11. Background Story12. Background Story13. Background Story14. Background Story15. Background Story

16. AC17. AC18. AC19. AC20. AC



Wow, I finished this kinda early... and it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the fact that I started coloring AC1-4 almost a month ago. /sly
...which is why the last AC... looks "different". XD;

02: Have I mentioned that I despise notebook textures? :V I used to love them, but now... >.> also, um, I attempted a soft/less detailed coloring on this one, to match the splatters and watercolor-ish feeling.
05: Obviously I suck and have no motivation for anything text related. 8D;
08: Corruption (Hollow Ichigo) and Purity.
16-20: Story-wise, these icons are all connected, and the it goes like this: Meeting-Parting-Parting-Parting-Meeting. Also, the random gears are there to convey the message of "destiny", which is one of many things that define Ichigo and Rukia's relationship.

Enjoy! ♥

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» textless icons are never bases; do not edit
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animanga: bleach

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