Jun 08, 2006 02:47
You always know when your sick when your body tells you, right? Not me. I know I'm sick when I sleep for 12 hours. Thats all the warning I get. I go to bed not feeling well and wake up perfectly ok. Yeah I suck huh? But when you look at the fact that I'm stuck here in america (and maybe one or two other countries) for the rest of my life its a small price to pay huh? never really get sick but cant leave the same little pissy peice of land. YAY modern medicine and their lack of forward progress. There has been more progress in making cher look 12 than there has in making a damn vaccine that dosent use neomyocin. GRRRR. I want to go visit my family's home in Germany but I'm stuck here. Hell. Meh.
On the plus side it means that when I get sick I get to miss work. =) Cause for me to get sick its probably something that will kill the rest of ya! YAY! "my Immune system is equiped with the biological equivalent of thermo-nuclear Biological Weapons! And its a good thing too because they get alot of practice!" George Carlin
On a sick side note the throat bug that is going around I caught and got rid of the same day. Had it Tuesday night and was done Wensday afternoon. Let the flaming begin all you sick people! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!