I've just started reading
Dawn of The Dumb by the fantastically bitter, twisted and witty Charlie Brooker. I was interested to read that he is
emetophobic. I have an almost perverse fascination with the psychological frailties of people for whom I have a lot of admiration. I suppose it's as simple as feeling mildly reassured that people can have fuck-ups and be successful in other aspects of their lives. Anyway, I do not suffer from emetophobia myself, but I know that at least three people on my Friends List do, so I thought it may be of interest to you.
I've had some vile generic stomach bug-type illness since New Year's Eve, but I think I'm improving now, which is nice. For reasons explained above, I will not go into any detail about it. ;) I hope your NYE was a great deal less depressing than mine.
This is a much better emetophobia resource than that rubbishy Wikipedia link above.
*EDIT #2* Joan Baez is also emetophobic. You learn something new every day, and all that.