Aug 19, 2013 08:21
I just had an really interesting and scary conversation with a guy who works for the Telekom (telecommunications company that most of Germany is using) and he told me that the Flatrate changes (if you reach the 75 GB data transfer limit the rest of the month you will surf with only 2MB) will effect everyone after around 2016, because now they not only target new customers but the changes will apply everytime you change your Tarif or just renew your current one after two years.
This is so fucked up I don't even know what to say, I mean even the Government said that it is not the right thing to do. Now we can only hope that something big happens that stops this or that they will create new rates that will still be payable. I already pay over 40 Euro a month for my telephone and internet and I am not sure if I can pay much more.
This sucks!!!!