★~Dubbing with the stars~★

Jan 30, 2011 22:48

It’s another chatlog snippet as I more or less spilled my worries for today’s taster lesson at TSA, the voice acting school that I wanna go to given my choices.
I couldn’t be arsed to write about it again, so edited this (took out most slang, etc) for your reading benefit :p

Khal began by asking me, what was the matter, so I went into it.

Mystie: yeah, visa issues, alike TAC they may not let me in cause I’m technically meant to be a full time student (though the hrs are only bout 3 per day tbh)
Mystie: 15hrs a week, nonetheless, the normal flow for foreigners is that most are already students at a Japanese language school
Khal: surely ft students can still take pt jobs
Mystie: who then apply for the VA school while studying jp, so almost all if not all remain on the same visa.
Mystie: for me, I’m a totally diff story
Mystie: You can but the hrs are limited and most jobs won't hire or pay well
Mystie: student visa = limited
Mystie: I cannot earn the amount needed to get that loan
Mystie: hence I won't be able to afford anything anyways
Mystie: working visa also lasts until end of 2013
Mystie: student visa = once finished, it expires, (Apr 2013)
Mystie: means I have no back up to find another job easily or work tons of hours over the summer, winter and spring holidays
Mystie: I’ll be screwed in April 2013, hell I’ll be screwed period
Mystie: I don't want a student visa also cause I build history with my working one, which by end of 2013 = 4 years
Khal: yeh
Mystie: if I keep going, then eventually can self sponsor for a permanent residency
Mystie: at this point, even if I move back to London for a bit, to be able to work between the two countries would be good, I should be able to make some kinda future for myself hopefully...
Mystie: so yeah, they gotta check with the international office
Mystie: I said from the start that I wanted to apply 'normally' like the natives, even if it means not getting the discount, that'll do for me
Mystie: if I can't get into TSA, then it's either HA (the conservative one) or the school I'm at (YAG)
Mystie: HA... for all the trouble and the high cost of the entrance exam and stuff, its expensive and the facilities aren't as good nor the place as wide as TAC or TSA, and while they are strict and giving me a chance it's like...
Mystie: I still don't feel welcome there... there's that 'she won't pass anything in 2 years but let's let her in anyways' layer there, I don't feel like studying there... I lost that drive during the visits to be honest.
Mystie: I was wondering to myself if I lose TSA, could I really spend 2 years at HA?
Mystie: Good school and stuff but...no drive, it's hard enough for me than the natives but when you're feeling that from those who're meant to support ya, kinda puts you off.
Mystie: Anyways before that, yeah not sure. First gotta see if I can get into TSA, already two Chinese guys are enrolled for April (met them today briefly)
Mystie: but I didn't pass level 2 of that JLPT exam and now gotta take it in a week (next sun)
Mystie: Tried to revise the working week just gone but what with job interviews and preparing documents for applying to TSA and just work being awful, not much chance
Mystie: I’m stressed with that tbh, lol
Khal: stressed with everything
Mystie: I’ve been better in Jan than I have been in Nov and Dec, let's say
Mystie: I definitely have the new job btw
Mystie: first training session = Fri
Mystie: 6-10pm
Mystie: >.>
Mystie: wonder if I’ll even be alive for school next sat, lol
* Mystie sighs
Mystie: level 2... I will pass it this summer, well will kill myself to try but for next sun, I dunno...
Khal: congratulations :)
Mystie: Been here 2 years, working full time, already enrolled in a VA school and passed a traditional VA school’s hard ass entrance exam
Mystie: surely they'll let me in >.>
Mystie: ah, thanks ^^;
Mystie: I had to call him in the end and yeah, it was a relief :)
Khal: I’m sure they will let you in
Mystie: TSA... we'll see
Mystie: they have the seperate international centre, so they're the ones who're gonna get all Japanese and 'abide law, yada yada' and wonder what to do with me
Mystie: if I apply normally, then they have nada to do with me
Mystie: the school will just check my motivation and language ability I guess
Mystie: TSA is something amazing equipment wise though, it's a freaking movie school
Mystie: so sure enough for today's guest dubbing lesson, they made a film of it xD
Mystie: showed it to us with us involved in the cinema on the 8th floor
Mystie: to think they produced a 10min film this very day while we were recording our lines was something, seeing myself on the big screen was embarrassing :p
Mystie: so the surprise was the guest VA
Mystie: Yukino Satsuki
Khal: yeh
Mystie: had no clue about the name
Mystie: I checked her roles and was like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"
Mystie: *faint*
Khal: get a picture with her?
Mystie: I didn't wanna to a voice recording in front of her, really I didn't
Mystie: no, not allowed etc
Mystie: not even to ask for a sign or anything ;_;
Mystie: we had questions we could ask and wrote them on paper, but the staff decided which to ask which sucked since they didn't choose my question
Mystie: I dunno, I met her, only said like 'hi' and stuff when she was recording in my group cause they saw how nervous I was when I cleverly chose the wrong role
Mystie: (ah yeah before that, I got there 5 mins late, rushed about cause had no money to get stuff for the application, had barely ate and was tired)
Mystie: so by the time I sat down, and wrote questions, they were like 'ok, straight into recording, pick your role'
Mystie: normally, there's a warm up lesson, or vocal lesson or something to relax and we practice the script once and decide roles etc
Mystie: or read thru the script once
Mystie: This time, nada
Mystie: That slightly annoyed me so I scanned for the least lines (mother) and practiced only to find that the mother was also the goddess who was the main character x.x;;;
Mystie: so yeah, I screwed up there, lol
Mystie: I chose another role but had no time to practice really, pure shoken style, ugh ;_;
Mystie: but yeah, I dunno even though she's the VA for one of my favourite characters of all time, I wasn't nervous being around her (I mean just seeing her) or excited, etc
Mystie: but when I saw Romi (Edward from FMA) last year and was taught by her, that was just... beyond reality, was just over the moon
Mystie: not to mention, Romi actually taught for a full hour and we did various exercises and stuff
Mystie: Whereas Satsuki-san just recoded with us, answered some questions and gave some advice with the performances of each group but...
Mystie: I dunno... maybe it was more valuable for those who're going into it fresh whereas I’ve been at it for 8 months so far
Mystie: naturally seeing her act various roles was amazing though
Mystie: how this tiny lil woman comes out with Yoruichi from Bleach, Kagome from Inuyasha, Nenene from R.O.D and Kaname from FMP, is beyond me - seeing her perform was nice :)
Mystie: Anyway, given how dishevelled I was and hungry, tired and doing this with no real preparation, it went better than I originally thought
Mystie: there was the BGM free version with just our voices which we listened back to, so it's just our voices only
Mystie: but when they added it music and effects, this blew my mind, I was giddy. I heard my two lines and the first set, my accent wasn't as bad as I thought, was like “woah... that's not too bad”.
Mystie: but lost to nerves in that my voice wasn't clear... uh
Mystie: accentuate?
Khal: annunciate?
Khal: ennunciate
Khal: articulate?
Mystie: I’ve come to figure out, I need to move my mouth maybe twice more than the natives so it just sounds normal when nervous
Mystie: I think the 3rd one :)
Khal: mhm
Mystie: that's the one
Mystie: articulate
Mystie: thank you ;_;
Mystie: I’ve been chasing this word for 2 weeks, no joke
Mystie: instead I came up with accentuate
Mystie: >.>
Mystie: articulation- but yeah that
Khal: yes we got it
Khal: move on sister
Mystie: hey, you're not the one who lost this word from her mental bank
Mystie: I need to reclaim it
Mystie: xD
Khal: so stamp it on your forehead
* Mystie does so mentally
Mystie: articulation - need more work and more confidence in it (this means more practice on shoken, reading off the spot and trying to make my brain register the characters correctly and then saying it correctly)
Mystie: when I work so hard just to read aloud in real time, I can see I really have no natural aptitude for foreign languages :)
Mystie: either way it wasn't too bad today ^^
Mystie: so that ends January and I’m still as busy as ever, but it sure as hell as been a busy month from the get... well since Christmas Day
Mystie: and then even that was the start of my holidays, I didn't really relax that much, even in Tochigi over New Year’s cause I was stressing over the application form for HA.
Mystie: I want a break from life...
Khal: go into coma
Mystie: I want one consciously :p
Mystie: I got 1 week to try to pass level 2 exam...
Mystie: ah since I gotta ask nicely at new job about trying to get some kinda letter for the loan office, I have to once again gather 6 months worth of receipts now to present again..
Mystie: and pay rent, fees, etc
Mystie: tired...

That about more or less covers the gist of my day at TSA.
1 week to try to get a decent score at a exam that I’ve not been able to pass for over 4 years as well as the interview and even if they’ll let me in on the current visa.
How’ll it’ll all play out, time will tell very soon, in the meantime, it’s another long ass working week. ;_;

voice acting, japan, seiyuu

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