ROTK SWEPT ALL OSCARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes crazy*

Mar 01, 2004 17:36

ROTK GOT 11 OSCARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus I`m still shaking and can`t
believe it!!!!!! AHHHHH!! Eat that 'Titanic'!!!! ROAR!!!!
I went to bed at 6.30 am! It was dawning! lmao! Oh I wish I had E! or NBC I would stay up whole time!! meh.. *tear*

GO PJ GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND FRAN AND HOWARD AND PHILIPPA AND BARRY AND ANNIE AND EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals*

I`m SOOOOOO happy that hobbits where there!!! I was afraid that Lij and Dom won`t come! When I saw then on CNN on pre-show I was like "AHHHHHHH!!!! There they r!!!" I got pissed when all reporters wre talking with the same peeps! I was like "Where the heck r hobbits??" At least PJ was interviewed...*sighs* When I thought that I`ll won`t see hobbits being interviewed they gave Lij and PJ!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAY!!!!!!!! But no Bill,Dom or Sean. *pouts* My lousy tv here didn`t show interviews with themm grrrrr oh well I hope I`ll see the on the net soon!!
Guys looked fantastic!!! Lij looked so wonderful!!! Exactly just like from two years! *giggles* He was such a cutie.. *le sigh* Liv was stunning in her black dress and it was so great that she was presenting nominated songs! And of course brilliant Ian!!! What a sweetheart!!!! It was perfect to see him talking about ROTK!!! I was a little bit afraid for a score and song but WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHH!!! *strikes a pose*
Annie was so touched when she got her Oscar and of course I was crying!! Ahhh memories... IT was so beautiful when ppl got up and gave PJ ovation when ROTK was honored as the Best Picture!!! Well.. DUHH! lol They didn`t get up on a Best Director... ah lets forgive them shall we?
I`m really glad that Tim Tobbins and Sean won as well Charlize Theron.
The whole ceremony was kinda long and sometimes well. err.. boring? I mean the begining was hysterical and references to nominated movies was just brill!! I love Billy Crystal. Him as Legolas or Aragorn..LMAO!! *dies laughing* ah lovely.. Sandra B. was acting like an idiot.. sorry for her fans.. *coughs* but it was very funny when she and Nicole was teasing and Sandra said that Nic was stalking her. hehe It was cute! :) Oh and of course hotass Johnny!! He was yummy or what?? I loved his hair totally! He looks much better in his natural color!! He looks younger,man!! Could u believe that he`s 40??? *shake shead* He had his tax,classy and sexy but he had also a long chain on his right side of pants!!! hhehehehehehe Gotta love this man! He has his styl and he`s original and I love it!!!! ahem.. It was so sweet when the presenter (I forgot his name) was inside of Kodak Theater he introduced Keisha Castle-Hughes to Johnny. Awww she was in awe! *giggles*

AHHH! I`m buzzing still and endorphine is doing her job! ;) hehehehehe I`ll got to dit into pics and videos! *ROAR*

Once again...

GO ROTK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!
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