At times, I may have failed but....

Jun 04, 2007 13:37

to friends that i care abt (most not aware of the existence of this blog and intend to keep it that way but still goes out to them):

regardless of what it is, it is important not to have regrets n to be happy. I carry each of you in my heart.... though i may not be anywhere near. Be it a call or an sms, i will try my best to be a friend. I only say, jiayou. Each of us walk a tough it our work, our love or our family.... each of us have our own problems. It is just a matter of facing the problem and to find a solution to it.  At the end of the day, what matters e most is that the solution should be something u can take accountability for and be true to urself.

Currently, my problems are happy problems... i know that. I mean how things have worked out for me on my job area, it's e best ever. I mean, young boy is very happy for me and i know I am glad about it as well. Love may still be a blank but at least I am happy. Be it my indulgence, be it my obsession, i am having fun. =) Friends come and go... i am used to it.. I don't feel anything strong about it like before anymore. The meaning of letting go has finally dawned upon me after graduation. I miss my uni pals so much...most are overseas. I miss e days we will sit there n chat till e wee hours...i miss our potluck days... i miss friday nights at e clubs in town...i miss throwing snow at each other... i miss dragging my air bed to e grass n sitting there to sunbathe together.. but after i returned, i know that they are in my heart though keeping in touch is hard. Now n then, i receive postcards, emails from them....glad to know they are doing fine. I wish them well.....when i cried my heart out on e day i left my uni, i know i have to let go....... my best pal from uni refused to send me off cos she doesnt wan to say goodbye.... but frens forced her to come say goodbye..she did. I never let her leave my heart n she will always be there. Someday, we will meet again....i know this.

My beloved friends, jiayou....just remember that u r not alone..... no, i'm not being emotional on a monday. i wan to tell people that matter to me that i'm besides them cos things are happening all at one go and i'm trying my best to get a grasp of everything n be e fren to all. I may not have been e perfect friend but in all ways, i try to be a friend to you. Jiayou n i hope to see u smile once again. to friends that i have lose sight of...i only wish them well. To friends who will remain my friends for a long time to come, dun give up on me. =)


ps: really, i'm not feeling down. =) I'm still a happy gal... but i juz hope people ard me be happy.
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