Random Update.

Sep 12, 2004 23:08

  • I GOT A NEW CLICKER(or channel changer for the people that like to call it that) today. i no longer need to remove my body from the couch to change the channels anymore. yes!

  • Anyways... today wasnt interesting at all. woke up extremely early... like 8:30ish. didnt like it at all. basically watched movies all day and napped. it was quite wonderful. thats what sundays are for. resting.

  • im getting really excited for tomorrow. and what im doing is not something you'd get this excited for. dying beaters. ahaha. maybe its the people im doing it with.... like the sexy brittney and kara. but other than school and soccer that is what my day will consist of. fun fun.

  • after many days of not having full conversation i finally talked to megan. wow. i miss our nightly phone conversations. this seperation will no longer happen again... it cant.

AHHHHHH the weekend. still very excited about that. :)

thats it.



<33 :(
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