Dec 28, 2003 20:21
I cannto believe how much kyle is over reacting right now! I told him taryn might not be able to go if she does'nt have the money, and he is like...going off on me, and i was like 'WELL IF SHE DOESNT GO IM NOT GOING, AND THAT MEANS U WONT HAVE A RIDE' and he is like...getting all fucking butt hurt! Now he is all like...o, im not mad, i just think is IRRESPONSIBLE that you HAD my money and you guys COULDNT hold onto it. oo man, he is making me angry, and if i didnt want to see avenged so damn bad, i would blow him off and his money would be fucking wasted, but taryn, we are going, and you are going, even if I have to pay for you! okay?! I LURVE YOU MNO!
just had to vent my frusteration with kyle today! FUCKFACE!
Anyways, besides this craphead im talking to right now...i had a pretty good day. started cleaning up my room and the house a bit, and then taryn and bre came to pick me up and i made them wait a loooong time...IM SORRY MNO! Then we went to ryans and hung out with ryan, tony, nathan, quinton and trevor, i finally met beans, hes okay. maybe he is just one of those people i need to get used to.!? hopefully. I came home and went and got LEVI, and he got so excited when eric put his leash on, he thought he was going for a walk, so I TOOK HIM FOR ONE! i walked tor oses and she walked with me up lincold and around back to my house! We had a nice chat, and we talked about more stuff at my house, and that aws good...she and i need to get closer again, considering we have been freinds for 7 yearsa nd rarely talk anymore. anyways, kyles making me angry now..BUT I WILL NOT LET IT BRING ME DOWN, I HOPE!