2 weeks and sure-as-shit counting

Jul 19, 2009 16:47

Holy crap this last week flew.

Tuesday - Thursday I was volunteering at Camp Wawbeek in WI Dells. It was a really good time. I definitely have a heart for the kids I was working with and I could see myself going back there, and potentially working with that population as a career. The campers I worked with were:

-Carsen: Loves Taylor Swift and listening to the weather. Always had a radio with him.
-Sam: Loves to beat me at War. We played cards a lot.
-Damien: Loves to sing to Nickleback, has a teddy, totally adorable.
-Devon: Loves purple juice, tractors, and being a gassy teen boy.
-Robin: Loves kittens, has some anger issues, but for the most part a sweet kid.
-Cory: Loves to win. Very competitive, but also quite a sweetheart.

They were definitely your typical group of adolescent boys even despite them needing a little extra help. None of the people I worked with were in a wheelchair which I guess is extremely strange. My co's were Jesse, Emily, and Nate. One of the boys in our group Josh was 1 on 1, so it was mostly Jesse and Emily switching off. Thus Nate and I talked most of the time. He's a 16 year old Italian boy who hasn't cried since he broke his knee when he was 8. Bahaha, he was a hoot. I met a lot of people that I didn't really work with who were also amazing.

Jordan and Jarvis were a pair of twin campers who HAD to be gay. They were fabulous. They wore togas to the dance on the last night there and they called everyone gorgeous or beautiful.

Susan was a counselor there, who was also a Scott. Need I say more? She was hilarious, although she said she hated Michael Jackson, perhaps we can get past that.

Another camper Mariah took the liberty of braiding my hair. Although after she styled my hair with my bandana I looked like I was from 'Fiddler on the Roof', she was a darling girl, and it didn't take long for her to attach to me. I only worked with that group of girls for 2 hours.

All in all a ton of awesome people at camp.  Huge hearts all around.  Also, I was hanging out with new people and my same name all those 3 days!  Who wouldn't love that!?  LB and I left around 10 thursday and stopped for coffee to make it through the drive.  I got back and crashed around 12:30

Friday I had training.  I was supposed to work after that but I didn't have to so I was able to go to the Y and workout!  YAY!  Brian Anderson was in town so me, elyse, him and lenny went to the Bodega for a drink, or 4 in Brian's case.  Bummed around and I crashed about 12:30 again.

Saturday I worked at another program from 7-3 during which I got to go see HP6.  It was alright.  I think I'd have to read the book to know just how good it was.  But then after that I went to work at my usual program from 4-11.  Watched movies on TV, hung out.  It's a hard job. =P

Today was pretty chill.  I worked 7-4.  I went to go to laundry at Andrea's but she wouldn't answer the door.  I knocked and rang the doorbell a bunch.  She knew I was coming and I could hear her inside.  But the door was locked and she didn't answer.  So after about 10 minutes I left.  I'll just have to talk to her about it later I suppose.  OH!!  Then I come home to see that my internet bill that is due TOMORROW is still in my mail.  The mailman NEVER took it!! BAH!  So I set up an online account (which I would have to do anyway) and paid it that way.  But I wasted a stamp.  And a check.  lame.

Well I'm home with light to spare so I think I'll do some boarding.
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