Pardon me...Sumimasen.

Sep 29, 2012 02:50

name: Alyssa, though I'm more used to being called Sensei these days.
age: 22 (10/13/87)
I played Japan, France, and Spain on both of these boards. Ah, in fact, the second board is one that I made, and I moderated the first.
e-mail: (and on generally any messenger or service, should I use it, I'll have the same sign-in name, so feel free to contact me)

name: Honda Kiku

nickname: Much prefers being called by his family name, especially by strangers, though it's seldom the case.

age: 35

date of birth: Feb. 11, 1975 (Showa 50)

hometown: Nagoya, Japan

occupation: Head manager of The Royal Café, though it's heavily debated whether or not he also doubles as a member of the serving staff from time to time. Due to the various...unique fashion designs modeled by the maids, the The Royal Café has been visited on more than one occasion by Ludwig and Feliciano for a magazine article.

residence: Kiku lives comfortably near to work in a single occupancy apartment in Huayuan. Some might call it cramped, but it's honestly larger than his last apartment in Japan (it even has more than one room!). The rent is less, too.

family: Family is an uncomfortable topic, but if you pry you'll find that the Hondas are a fairly typical Japanese family consisting of an aging businessman nearing retirement and his doting housewife. Further information is near impossible to get.

first impression:
“My, what a polite young lady!”

Ten true facts and a secret:

1. Polite to a fault - There is being polite, and there is being overly polite to the point of near annoyance. Kiku, like the properly raised Japanese boy that he is, will go to great lengths to avoid conflict or possible offensiveness.

2. Personal space is precious - Upon unwanted or unexpected physical contact, it isn't unusual for him to go into shock, hyperventilation, or minor acts of violence (i.e. shoving) in order to maintain his personal bubble. He claims that this is normal in Japan, where people just don't touch and politely denies any and all accusations that he may have an overly developed neurosis. Being anywhere in Feliciano's proximity is dangerous for his mental health.

3. Moe moe - Kiku has a terrible weakness for all that is cute. Because of this, he also has a vast wealth of knowledge on anything having to do with cute chara products. Hello Kitty is an especial favorite, though you may want to avoid the topic if you'd rather not hear him gush.

4. Otaku - More than a love of things cute, he adores all things collectible and animated. He has the opening and ending themes for nearly anything stored and cataloged in his mind for easy access, and is currently running out of room to store his various self-assembled and custom painted Gundam figurines. The harddrive to his computer is a literal treasure trove of series, specials, OVA's  and drama CDs, not to mention images. Anyone sharing internet bandwidth with Kiku is to be pitied.

5. Organized - A place for everything and everything in its place. Kiku spends an inordinate amount of time cleaning and keeping things clean. And alphabetized. Or sorted by shape and color.

6. Hikikomori - For a period of about two years, just before entering university, Kiku refused to leave his home, seldom venturing even out of his room. His parents tried at first to reason with him, but soon developed a shouganai attitude towards the whole situation. Frankly, he doesn't talk about this time, avoiding the topic even more than others having to do with his childhood and family life.

7. Video games - Hand him the controller to any system, and prepare to be defeated. His personal favorite are dating sims, but he's been known to play pretty much any genre, and is good at them all.

8. Age/appearance complex -  Despite being a 35 year old man, Kiku is so often mistaken for a 20-something year old girl that he's developed a small complex on the subject. The rumors that he is possibly a maid working in his own cafe do nothing to help this.

9. Sodium - Absolutely unhealthy amounts of salt are included in his extremely Japanese diet. Salted salmon, miso, shoyu, ikura, and pickled...everything have made Kiku's yearly trips to the health clinic a time of utter dread.

10. Apologies... - For every action, there is an equal and appropriate apology prepared. Just in case he's offended someone with an oversight or spoken too carelessly or bumped into someone on the street or forgotten something important. Apologies are worth far more than excuses, after all.

Secret - Despite the various neurosis and general outward shunning of affection, both physical or otherwise, Kiku spends a great deal of time searching through matchmaking websites and so on, hoping to find someone special with the help of the internet.

Writing sample:

Closing time.

It had been a fairly slow day for the cafe, but weekdays usually only saw a fraction of the weekend customers in the best of times. Today, they'd be lucky if twenty people had wandered in from the streets of surrounding Huayuan. Kiku let out a long sigh he'd been holding in from near the beginning of the unfruitful afternoon. Several maids were sent home early. He'd just seen the last few out the door, wishing them a good evening and to take care on the way home. Hopefully business would pick back up to normal for tomorrow...

Following the normal routine, it was almost as if he'd never left Japan. Leave the office, stop by a convenience store for something instant for dinner, and then home to a small,empty apartment and settle himself in front of a computer. Routines were calming. They had order. But even Kiku had to admit when he was starting to feel his routine turning into something more along the lines of... monotony.

Today was the day to break free of it. Just a little.

Despite being alone in his room, he couldn't help but look around, cheeks flushing in utter embarrassment as he logged online. Today. Today was the day he'd finally do it....he would finally create a matchmaking profile and actually post it.

"Saa...h-hajimeruzo...ka na..."

japan, honda kiku, thelolsquad

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