May 03, 2011 16:06

"A- Axel…" Roxas whispered, more from shock than anything else. He pushed at Axel's shoulders, trying to block out the sensations, everything except the thought of 'This is wrong.' "Axel!" He hissed. Axel's lips left his neck, and then he was looking the redhead in the eye, the smirk on his face taunting him. Roxas's thoughts scrambled themselves.

"Yes?" Axel said conversationally, as though he hadn't just shoved Roxas onto a bed and started kissing his neck. Or, worse yet, as though this was a totally acceptable and normal thing to do to your “best friend.” Roxas wanted to throttle him, to wrap his hands around his neck and definitely not anything else, because everything about this was so wrong.

Pushing at Axel’s shoulder again, Roxas snapped, “Namine,” as though that should explain everything. And it should, really.

"What about her?" Axel murmured, his smirk widening. He didn’t budge at Roxas’s push.

Roxas narrowed his eyes. "She's my girlfriend, that's what," Roxas hissed. "We can't do this. It's not fair to her."

Axel shrugged carelessly. "Did she ever say you're not in an open relationship? Maybe she'd be fine with it." He trailed a hand up Roxas's side, his eyes taking in the blond’s shiver with an almost hungry gaze.

Looking away to escape the heat of Axel’s eyes, Roxas gave a shaky laugh. "That's the stupidest excuse for cheating I've ever heard."

Despite these words, Axel’s hand was allowed to wander, now fiddling with the buttons on Roxas’s shirt. Axel smiled and leaned down again, brushing kisses along his “best friend’s” collar bone. Roxas pushed at his shoulders again, but it was halfhearted at best. "So what?" Axel's voice was just a whisper against Roxas's skin, and Roxas felt the barely-there sensation down to his toes.

"So I love her," Roxas murmured, pushing harder at Axel's shoulders even as he leaned into Axel’s touch. "Get off of me."

"No." Axel said simply. He pulled away and looked at Roxas. "You love her like a 'best friend,' right?" He asked slyly.

Roxas flinched a little at his own words being thrown back at him. "I still love her," he muttered. "I won't hurt her like this." He meant it. He hadn’t loved Namine like that in a long time - maybe he never had - but the thought of her bright eyes, filled with tears, was enough to make him feel like the absolute scum of the earth.

Axel snorted. His hand wandered down and slipped under Roxas's shirt, tracing the sensitive skin right above his hip bone. Roxas hissed and arched upward. "She doesn't know how to do that, does she?" Axel murmured in his ear. "I can drive you insane without even taking your pants off. Does she know how to do that?"

Roxas fumbled for words, and gave up on them, guilt warring with lust and making him clench his hands in the blanket on the bed.

Axel’s hand continued slipping upwards, idly tracing patterns on Roxas's stomach, his lips brushing the pulse point on Roxas's neck. Roxas hissed and arched upward. "No one else can make you scream their name," Axel hissed. He moved up to Roxas's ear and ran his tongue along the shell. "No one else can fuck you senseless," he whispered in a deceptively gentle tone. He blew in Roxas's ear, and Roxas was a formless, aroused puddle in his hands.

Axel's smirk became victorious as he ran his hand over the straining arousal beneath Roxas's jeans. Roxas cried out against his will, somewhere between arousal and despair and Axel, AxelAxelAxel.

"And besides," Axel murmured as he absently stroked the rouch denim, "you say she's your lover, but she's really your best friend. You say I'm your best friend, but I'm really your lover." He chuckled a little. "It's ironic, isn't it?"

Roxas whined, and Axel’s eyes fixed on the face of the blond beneath him, savoring that noise. Roxas's eyes were open, darkened almost to black in the dim room, and narrowed at him. "Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?" he hissed, and tangled one hand roughly in red hair to yank the other man down and kiss him. To shut him up, of course.

Axel tangled his free hand in Roxas's hair and swallowed his lover's moan, and Roxas gave as good as he got, the taste of Axel drowning out the bitter taste of guilt on his tongue.

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