May 29, 2003 11:42
Cause I luv you.
I am here, and I miss you too.
I have been busy as hell, and am still too tired to explain anything but I did get the ultra sound of the alien. I will post it later. It is breech so we cant tell what it is yet. Maybe after you guys see it you that have kids can give me your oponion????
Yeah, so cool.
I have nothing groovy to say, so lets see who know what this is all about, Muahahah!!
What about when the worlds like, Fuckas Killas?
What will you be?
What about when im a hundred and three?
What will ya be?
What about when the carnival comes to your town?????
Yeah, that was cool, uh yeah, yeah. (Said in Beavis and Butthead voice, cause im dope like that)
K, im done, my entrance was made, and now I gracefully exit.
I am reading you alls posts, im just blank for cool things to say to you right now.
But Love ya all anyway.
Peace Outtie