Oct 08, 2008 10:16
I didnt go to carters class yesterday. i didnt thursday either. i thought yesterday were group meetings and i didnt know my group so i guess im goin this thursday because i emailed him and he said class was this week. idk he is a douchebag. and his online class is poopie. thats the one where i gotta bullshit 15 pages and use research while doing case studys. grr. that and his talking pickle thing in class. lol i hope he dont carry that around in public and i hope he doesnt come near me with it....i have like terrible phallophobia as most people wouldnt be surprised knowing lol.
I think im speaking in my Oral interp class soon... i still need a binder :(
im meeting cummings today to show him how computer illiterate i am hence my script lookin like poopie. He is a cool dude, hope he helps.
then i got the neverending class from hell tonight. i really wanted to go to the drag show... :( oh well. maybe one day when money decides to accumulate i can hit one up at Utopia or Pegs
so tuesday, aka yesterday, i finally bought my girl something she wanted for 17(aka 3) years...a popcorn popper. yes one of those nifty air poppers hehe. she got me hooked on popcorn...we tried it out...that had to have been the most orgasmic popcorn ever. there was like a symphony of MMM's in my mouth lol. its apperantly healthy too...so hence i had like three things of it. holy shit im random but if you like popcorn get one! Kelly loves it too. im glad she finally has it. that was birthday present part three. There will be much use from it.
Whoreface McScankatron is still being a bitch...what else is new...still slammin shit and being a bitch because us lesbians i guess are the root of all evil. In my head, i officially made the "happy working song" her theme lol
ah...wait...so kelly cut my hair...its a lot shorter. and its dyed black again. im really lovin it... :D
thats purdy cool. my baby can cut hair :D
welp i gots me a class in half hour...i hope i dont have to speak today :X
i gotta get over that shy