The other day I was talking with
twilight_angel about TORCHWOOD! (Exactly one week ago) as we were CAPS LOCK ABUSE-ING our review of the episode. Now I'd like to post my preliminary ideas of what will happen this Season to the Characters. Also, new icon!
- Captain Jack Harkness -
- Goes on a date with Ianto. (Duh, they told us this in the first episode.)
- It'll be amazingly ADORKABLE!!!
- Finds out what happened to his memories.
- Finds his baby-mamma.
- Goes back for a Doctor Who episode!
- Gwen -
- Sexual tension between her and Jack because:
- Srsly. I don't blame her.
- Jack likes her because he looks like someone he knew (and loved in a very Jack!way. ) I'm thinking his Baby-mamma.
- Rhys -
- Is all "WTF!?!?!" about Gwen's jorb.
- Gets held hostage by an alien being.
- Ianto -
- Wears more pink! *fansself*
- Develops a thing for Martha.
- Becomes a Doctor fanboy!
- Is generally adorable.
- Owen -
- Has a thing for Toshiko.
- Gets more air time as the Alpha-Weevil.
- Toshiko -
- Tells Owen to piss-off when he declares her love for her.
- Has a thing with Captain John Hart.
- Captain John Hart -
- Tries to attack Jack...again...and all the fangirls SQUEE! (again)
- Tries to jump everyone in the Torchwood cast, espeically:
- Martha -
- Has a thing for Captain John Hart
- Gets jealous of Ianto and his beautiful Welsh vowels.
- "Grey" -
- Jack's son or baby-mama/daddy.
- Andy -
- Gets way more screen time.
- Maybe a temporary spot on the team.
- The Doctor -
- Wrong series, I know, BUT!
- He thinks Ianto is a bit magnificent.
- Basically becomes a Ianto fanboy!
- I blame the pinstripes, and the fact that he's like a little Mini-me Doctor!
Okay. That is all for now.