in L.A. now...

Aug 12, 2004 01:11

just got into L.A. a few hours ago... i miss all u guys back in the philippines! its weird.. the whole idea of leavin' didn't hit me until i was on the plan already... and i just started crying bowt alota things... leaving behind the people i love, the place where i grew up for the past 10 years....... but anyways.. life's gota move on after high school right... school duz't start til late september, but i gota take placement exams in like 8 hours which totally suxxx... precalculus and chem! i don't mind the chem... but calculus???? hahaha.. math hates me more than i hate math... aryt, well gona go to sleep now! HEL!! make the LA trip possible or i'll kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL you!!! hehehe... koaaaaaaaaaaaaLa! when u coming here?? email me back fool!
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