You know, when you de-friend someone, there should be a box that comes up with, like, several choices for why you're de-friending the person so that when the person is like, "How did I lose five people overnight?" they can see -- anonymously, of course -- the reasons.
I had that "who friends/de-friends you" notification set up to email me, but it was driving me insane. Why do people friend a journal one day and de-friend it the next. Did it not meet expectation? Did you not actually check the journal out to see if it was worth your friending? Did you sneeze and accidentally friend someone only to find later you've got a weirdo on your flist you don't remember asking to be there?
This whole friending thing is wow.
Pam wins. "You are the superior being."
Rooftop diner was adorable and, honestly, I expected one more cut to that at the end instead of lame-o Ryan winking at the camera. Yeah, I expected rooftop sex. Thank you TV gods for training me to wait for sex. Love that Pam and Jim can remember their first exchange, and WOW, he's had a crush on her THAT LONG? I wonder when the yogurt thing happened.
Angela and Dwight are making me LOL. I think mostly at their fans. Which is cruel. But I dig Andy. He's totally retarded, but the singing was cute. And OMG. DARRYL AND KELLY!? WTF! AWESOME.
Michael's assdome was lessened, only slightly, this week.
Dwight has Hemp on his farm. That explains a lot.
Kevin's face when Jim took a whole pizza. LOLz.
Michael and Dwight mocking Ryan. NEVER SOLD ANY PAPER!
Dwight beating the computer was actually cool.
Kelly giddy over how you purchase? I want Amazon to let me drag and drop!
Jim/Pam was toned down this week. Kind of a good thing. I always get scared with shows that hook up couples because IMO, when you hook up, you should remain the SAME PEOPLE, you just have dates or sex at night. Your daily relationship shouldn't really change all that drastically. This is where writers screw up, but ssshhh... just keep believing it's because the audience LIKES the stupid eight year tension for two episodes of hook-ups and weird behavior.