I AM A New Arashi Fans!!!

Aug 01, 2008 22:54

How did i start to crazy about my dearest Arashi neh?!
Because of my friend (giant) who influent me.Totally Brianwash by her!
Ohya,i remember that when i was only primary 3,4 or what-so-ever,my sisters always force me to watch their varity television show like shonnen club/USO Japan those kind were very long ago that i couldn't even remember already!
Especially their first Arashi suppin concert!I love it so much can!!I couldn't forgotten the part which they dance and sang their first 'ARASHI','Sunrise Nippon','Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi' and a lot more..these were the songs that really make me like them.
The solo part of my OHNO-CHAN was really great!Never ever forget him wearing a red colour suit which seems to be too BIG for him to wear,since he was only 18 or 19,he have to wear that kind of suit..doesn't even suit him can!>_<"'
(Although at the period of time i'm really kind of young.but i found it very nice for a little child who doesn't even know what are fans about.)
But,thanks a lot to my fulltime mental sisters who force people to join them watching things that a small little kids couldn't even understand what were they talking or singing about..HAHA!
Fortunately,i'm back to them after so many years!!!(the gap was seems to be too long that i'm a secondary students already.*Laugh*)
Learning of Japanese language soon~hope that i can learn it well so that to know more about them!
Cause love them tooo much!
Arashi is my FAVOURITE!
OHNO-CHAN will have alittle bit more love that i gave you~(haha,i love the 5 of them equally!but just alittle bit to my dearest OH-CHAN!)

Written by:mysticwen


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