Fixed LJ and Dean Stuff

Aug 31, 2010 00:03

My LJ was broken but now everything seems to be back in order so YAY!  \o/  I couldn't post to my journal, all my userpics had disappeared, I couldn't access my inbox, and I couldn't get to my friends page!  D:  The problems lasted almost three hours!  It was pretty scary.  I hope that never ever happens again.  Just goes to show how ADDICTED I am to LJ and the internet in general as to how upsetting the whole ordeal was for me.  Like seriously.  o.O


The whole point to this post was to pimp the community dailydean, which I inherited the duty of moderator and maintainer from superfire.  If you love SPN's own Dean Winchester and would like to see daily pics, vids, art, and fic recs of Dean, then check it out and Watch the comm!  :D

dailydean  dailydean  dailydean  dailydean

Have a good night, flist!  ♥

woohoo, el jay, supernatural, dailydean, me stuff, dean mutha effin winchester, pimpin

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