
Mar 21, 2012 19:20

Yikes.  It's been like four weeks since I last posted to my journal.  You know me, I usually post a couple times a week or more.  I guess it's because SPN had been on hiatus and in that time I've found another fandom to cling to.  I've always been a huge fan of The Beatles and during SPN's drought I found some awesome journals and communities to take part in, and so I've fallen in love with The Fab Four all over again.

Just a heads up to everyone on my flist, my LJ is probably going to be geared more towards The Beatles now, with only a side of Supernatural.  I still love the show and I'll watch it every week, but I just don't seem to squee about it as much as I used to.  The bloom is off the rose, so to speak.  Don't get me wrong, SPN is not going to disappear completely from my journal (like I could really stop posting about Jensen and/or Dean *scoffs*) but it will be scaled back a bit.

So to anyone who is still into SPN hardcore and doesn't want their friends page cluttered with Beatles stuff, there will be no hard feelings towards anyone who wants to un-friend me.  I mean it. :)  I will eventually do a friends cut as well, but not right now.  When the time comes, I'll make a new post letting everyone know about the cut.

Anyway, with that off my chest, I hope everyone is doing well.  I am excited for this Friday's ep of SPN.  I feel like we've been waiting on pins and needles forever for this episode.  It better be worth the wait!

Have an awesome week, flisters!  Hopefully it won't be another four weeks until you hear from me again!  ;D

life happens, el jay, supernatural, other crushes, the beatles, me stuff, random ramblings

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