Nov 05, 2009 19:26
So the Mys had her much fought for doc appointment today, the one that I had to e-mail the t-doc to get scheduled so I can get the referal to see said t-doc, the one that got cancelled when my not-exactly-regular-but-English-speaking-doc got sick and was rescheduled with what I was promised would be a doc that spoke English...
Yeah, well it so wasn't.
Not only that, but the bastard didn't want to let me see the t-doc at all, wanted me to READ about cognative behaviour therapy on-line! Even after I told him my dx's and how long I'd been in therapy, what kinds of therapy, and EXACTLY what the hells I needed. *head desk*
Needless to say I was freaking.
THEN the quack declares that my anti-d's are too high! Fucker didn't even know my dx's but he thinks my meds are wrong???????? Well, at that point I really freaked- massive panic, fight or flight, barely contained tears, the works. Anyway somehow (and this should show ppl just how much better I am than I used to be) I managed to call Pup... I didn't get anything out, mind you, before I went rather hysterical- HE WANTED TO TAKE MY DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate, Pup demanded to talk to him and reamed him a new one gave him what for and made him give me the referal to the t-doc and put in for a referal for the p-doc up in Stockholm.
So yeah, bad fucking day!
Now for the fun part, anybody know where to leave a prompt(plea) for Ben/Alec fic?
I need Ben to crack and Alec to put-him-back/hold-the-pieces together, hurt/comfort schmoop with cuddling, plot and porn totally unnecassary. So where can I beg for fic... Mys so doesn't know her DA fandom.