Oct 23, 2009 20:39
Holy fuck! She got back to me!
The cousellor at the doctor's office!!!!!
She actually e-mailed me back and offered to help set up the appointment with the doc. *squeak!*
Okay, so it kinda sucks that I have to go through the regular doc before she can see me, but she made the appointment for me and eveything, she even made it with the doc I wanted, who isn't my regular doc... though I'm not sure he should be called my regular doc since I've only seen him twice and the one I'll be seeing has seen me twice and more recently than the other one, but the point it SHE GOT ME THE APPOINTMENT!!!!!! No more getting hung up on by nursing staff! *dances*
Unfortunately, the appoinment isn't until Nov 2, but hey, it's an appointment!!!!!!!!!
(sorry about the x-postage)