So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Jun 13, 2010 23:26

Dear crappy little trailer,

So Long! FareWell, Auf Wiedersehen, GOODBYE!!!! I will not miss freezing in the wintertime or run the risk of LIBUS's (Light Bills of Unusual Size). I will will not miss roasting (quite literally) in the summertime.

I will not miss the crappy little maintenance/management company who thinks that it is perfectly appropriate to leave the denizens of the house without water for three days. More than once. Or leaving us without heat on and off for almost a week.

I will not miss the screens that do not fit. The door that barely shuts or the scarily uneven EVERYTHING.

You were a means to an end. I needed a place to go and you afforded me with a great location and the ability to keep my pupper dog and my crazed kitty. Oh.. and the two car storage garage out back. It's sad when your storage space is bigger than your house. Just sayin.

I haz found new little place. Cute. Out in the country (??Really??) that will let me keep my pupper dog and crazed kitty. It still has 60s paneling on the wall, but it is light and bright. I can put more than two people in the kitchen at any given moment in time. I HAVE AN ICEMAKER (ok... it's the little things that make me happy!)

There are things I will miss.. but... in the long run.. this is the best decision for me. Because if I don't move.. I will probably ring the property managers neck and I am not sure that my friends have the bail money right now, with Pennsic looming, LOL.

So it's back to playing House (no... not the TV show) and setting up t he new space. :-) Maybe sometime down the road, Pathfinder will get a little playmate. MAYBE. (oooo I just re-read that..of the fuzzy four legged variety is what I meant).

By the way.. the new house (as in stick built, not trailer) is Black Diamond yellow. The Boy keeps talking about painting little black diamonds around the house as trim. He ran away laughing as I looked for something to throw at him. No management company but a nice man is the owner. He and Boy get along great. Boy gets to mow the lawn (something we didn't have to do at the old place) but Owner provided us with rider mower. (!!!) Gotta love it.

No dishwasher. Yet. That, however, is in the works. anyone got a serviceable dishwasher? LOL. I'm lurking on Craigs list.

Well.. back to the Daily grind. Another day, another audit.
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