Feb 11, 2005 11:16
So, I've been taking a lot of quizzes in the last 24 hours (obviously!), and I'm not sure how, but it got me thinking about rhetorical questions and jokes...
And I think (at least one of) the most popular/common/cliche of all time is "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Now, there are many possible answers to this, and they're all rather silly.
But I grew up in Key West, where chickens freely roam. I was thinking about this joke, and I remembered one incident several years ago, where my parents and I found the TRUE answer to this commonplace, and almost archaic, question.
In Key West, the chickens pretty much have freedom to do as they like. It is not uncommon to see a mother hen w/ her baby chicks walking on the sidewalks or alongside the roads. These chickens, however, are pretty street smart. For the most part, they don't really cross roads when humans are around, and especially not when there are cars. Now granted, we've all stopped from time to time to allow one baby chick to cross when it's fallen behind & gotten separated from it's mom & siblings on the other side of the street. But that's just a chick, not really a chicken, so it's not really the answer to this time-honored question.
One day, however, my parents and I were driving (somewhere, though my memory eludes me). We were driving through a residential part of town (if there is such a thing; it's all pretty much a hodgepodge of everything down there!), when out of nowhere, a giant chicken (rooster, really) flew up, wings flapping and legs kicking, almost stepping on the hood of our car! We slowed down and stopped, naturally, but it was still quite a shock...and very humorous. Well, that WAS the chicken that crossed the road. And because this question has been one carried down through the ages, it was pretty clear it was going through our minds at that point. Well, since this is such an unusual occurance, and with the question echoing in our heads, we watched the rooster to see just what his hurry was, and just WHAT his goal to crossing that road really was.
It turns out, on the other side of the road was a rather fiesty female chicken. He had been following her around for quite awhile with the goal of mating. She, however, had been running from him (as us females tend to do!), but was the sole cause of the chicken crossing the road.
I wish I could remember my reaction at that time, because it was quite clever and had us all laughing 'til we cried! Nonetheless, I'm sure it's clear what any reaction would be to such a hilarious event! :P
And so, it seems, that as one might expect of any male, the reason the chicken crossed the road was so he could get laid. *sigh* And just when I'd hoped these chickens were brighter than human males! Why we hadn't thought of this answer in the first place is beyond me- for why else does any guy do ANYTHING, save for sex?!
But at any rate, if anyone ever asks, "Why did the chicken cross the road?," you can reply with all surity, "He wanted to get laid" (or some other such response).
While this does not bring much encouragement to our views on MALES, it certainly solves this long-held riddle, and if nothing else, shows what great role us females have as instigators of action! :P ... and even with the chicken crossing the road, the true motive, as it always seems to be, was SEX.
But hey, the evolutionary psychologists knew that all along!