this is mostly for abunaikitsune and anyone else who weren't here when it happened and can picture the area.
Today was my first day of class, on the second trip back to the campus I got stuck in traffic on decatur. from sahara all the way to flamingo, perhaps further there were no lights. no street lights, traffic lights, all of the shopping centers were totally black. Pitch black especially with our inner city starless sky. This was at 620pm, totally freaky making my way thru the now four way stops filled with push people trying to peel thru the intersection. What was most difficult, to see was the people using the cross walk. You didn't even make out there forms until they were passing right before your headlights. what a mess to happen in that area of town. I would have been totally freaked if I was one of the folks waiting for the bus in the pitch black in that section of decatur.
swiped from abunaikitsune
The Great LiveJournal
Outage of 2005
During the outage I had a total mental breakdown.
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