Anyone who knows my more... hmmm... spiritual?side.. is aware that I have Raven as my main totem creature (phoenix being secondary but an ever present influence). I got home from work and there was a pair of ravens in the yard, they've been in the neighborhood all morning. I think their the same pair that have been drifting about the area three weeks ago. Their so cool. anyway my neighbor probable thinks I'm a nut now, I tried croaking back at the one that was sitting in their tree that hangs over in the yard, (the raven probable was wondering what my pathetic attempt at a croak was exactly) turn about that there the neighbor giving me a weird look, oh well.
Take the quiz:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Spending your entire life searching various forms of philosophy and religion, you choose to observe everything and believe little. You're personality is one of truth seeking, nature respecting and god/goddess accepting. Lastly, you don't judge anyone, but if annoyed, you will exact some form of revenge. You don't believe in the Three-Fold Law.