Nov 06, 2004 00:07
so the people have spoken, and our ironically postmodern (i say ironic b/c i'm honestly not sure if it's postmodernism that's at work so much as some sort of religious/moral fanaticism) world has finally declaired that Truth is no longer important. it is now truth (lower case). "saddam HAS weapons of mass destruction.......[UN finds nothing..911 commission finds no correlation between the attacks and Iraq...explict confirmation that there are no weapons in Iraq] now it's "saddam had the CAPABILITY to make weapons." why is there no outcry? where is our fair and balanced press? where is the democratic candidate? (and where, incidentally, is Bin Laden?) the appropriate response to this BLATANT breech of the american people's trust is one of 2 things. 1)Bush: "i'm sorry. i was WRONG. i'm human, and i've made a MISTAKE. 2)Kerry/the press/the american public at large: "you lied to us, Mr President. " this to be followed by all manner of appropriate outrage.
Truth is no longer important because we've become obsessed with consequences. in an era of unprecidented immediate gratification, it's becoming increasingly apparent that the ends justify the means (and, Machiavelli, we return to you after not so long of an's been only about 60 years since Hitler, after all).
but what is this "war on terror" really? and if we're fighting terror, why give it a name like "operation iraqi freedom"? doesn't that sound a bit like the colonialism certain nations were subjected to in the 19th century by Britian? gold, god, and glory. those were the justifications then. oil, freedom/morality, and, yes, glory for the ole' stars and stripes. a striking similarity.
(p.s. my landlord just sent me a bill for $967 claming that i didn't pay my rent on time this month. which is a lie. i have the check stub to prove it. the leasing agents/business managers were prolly bush supporters. fucking incompetents.)