(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 17:43

I guess I'm better now.
I'm just waiting for Christmas to get here so it can be gone.
Not much to celebrate without mom. Don't really want to celebrate.
Last year was different. I had both of the Hausers with me,
And they were getting along. We all were.
Things were great.
Now I truly have no clue how things will go this year.
And this scares me.
I hope it's good.
I surely don't want either of them to be sad.
Even though Chris is a total prick.
And Greg doesn't deserve to be treated like shit by Chris.
But that's besides the point.
I just really wish Chris would grow the fuck up.
His shit is really starting to get old.
And piss me off.
He's ruining my holidays.
I hope this doesn't last much longer.

His new year's resolution should be to grow the fuck up.
I don't care whether or not he takes me back,
That truly is not an issue with me anymore.
And I can honestly say I don't know if I would
Even if he did grow up.
He's done so much damage that I don't think
That there's anything he can do to make up for it.
Not just to me, but to his entire family.
He either doesn't realize it,
Or does and doesn't give a fuck.
Which really wouldn't surprise me.

Happy Fucking Snow Day.

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