☙ team + route stuff

Aug 21, 2010 06:52


level → 11 [updated 9/26]
type → ground
nature → bold
ability → pickup
moveset → odor sleuth ; tackle ; growl ; defense curl ; flail ; take down

other → is a bit distractable. tends to walk around with his trunk up, like he just... can't experience enough of the world. is quite affectionate with Sora, and has taken to following his Girafarig, Puddles. [received as starter on 8/23]

"Pink Mr. Edgeworth"

level → 10 [updated 9/26]
type → grass/flying
nature → modest
ability → chlorophyll
moveset → splash ; synthesis ; tail whip ; tackle

other → isn't the best at socialization, much like his namesake. isn't fond of girafarigs (a la Sora's Puddles). is just... generally an awkward individual. Has found a strange and awkward best friend in Mystic Maya's Owl Mr. Edgeworth. [caught 8/28]


level → 14 [updated 9/26]
type → ghost/poison
nature → impish
ability → levitate
moveset → hypnosis ; lick ; spite ; mean look ; curse

other → you really can't trust this one, though somehow Pearly sure does. he's easily bored and has no problems causing people dismay or discomfort for his entertainment. he's higher-leveled than even Fanny, mostly because of Pearl's team, Gassy's the one that truly loves to battle. [caught 9/7]


level → 8 [updated 9/26]
type → ghost
nature → sassy
ability → insomnia
moveset → knock off ; screech ; night shade

other → 'sassy' is right. while you won't find her cackling or doing tricks, she's a sly little devil in her own right. I guess you could say... she's like Gassy, plus womanly dignity. [caught 9/21]


level → 9 [updated 9/26]
type → ghost
nature → lonely
ability → levitate
moveset → leer ; night shade ; disable ; foresight

other → Scully's... quite the somber sort. Even when he's happy, he kind of... wilts. But not on purpose? He's not unfriendly or even sad, per se. Just... somber. But he looks a little happier when he's battling? [caught 9/18]

!ooc, @team etc

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