This is all I'm going to say. I'm officially going to end it, because I'm officially going to block you. I don't need people coming to my journal and randomly giving links to things I obviously didn't NEED to see- if they were threatening my life, that's different, but it was just another session of LJ drama- and you really had no right to come and show it to me. You're not my friend, and "defending my honor" as you called it is up to me if I see a need for it.
I don't think I'm assuming and presuming (which are the same thing. For someone who claims that I know too little, you sure as hell don't know a lot, or you wouldn't have repeated the same word) anything. You basically told me that you're too much of a chicken to tell me who you are because you don't want your __fantasynovel friends to know that you ratted them out. I don't need an assumption- if that weren't the case, you would've said so and actually told me why you did it the way you did, but you really didn't. And making assumptions about me when you're the one who snapped when I apparently made assumption about you is quite the contradiction.
Yes, "it" caused drama- YOU gave me the link, YOU decided to show it to me, and YOU assumed in the first place that I needed to "defend my honor." If I had felt the need to defend it, I wouldn't have needed you to show it to me, and I would've found it on my own. I don't need the extra drama in my life right now, so that's why I'm going to block you. You won't be allowed to comment in this journal anymore. Call it immature, but really, it's not. I don't need the drama from someone who decided to butt into my business and was too much of a coward to tell their friends in a community- who are thousands of miles away, most likely, from you, and aren't going to hurt you for pointing something out to someone- that you decided to show a link to someone who was being talked about behind their back. If I had been meant to find it on my own, I would have.
And now I bid you farewell. I could've been the mature one and not have commented, but I think it's better doing it this way in this case. I don't WANT to block you, but I don't really see much of a choice. I don't want the extra drama, especially on this journal, so thanks, but no thanks. Take the drama somewhere else.
I don't think I'm assuming and presuming (which are the same thing. For someone who claims that I know too little, you sure as hell don't know a lot, or you wouldn't have repeated the same word) anything. You basically told me that you're too much of a chicken to tell me who you are because you don't want your __fantasynovel friends to know that you ratted them out. I don't need an assumption- if that weren't the case, you would've said so and actually told me why you did it the way you did, but you really didn't. And making assumptions about me when you're the one who snapped when I apparently made assumption about you is quite the contradiction.
Yes, "it" caused drama- YOU gave me the link, YOU decided to show it to me, and YOU assumed in the first place that I needed to "defend my honor." If I had felt the need to defend it, I wouldn't have needed you to show it to me, and I would've found it on my own. I don't need the extra drama in my life right now, so that's why I'm going to block you. You won't be allowed to comment in this journal anymore. Call it immature, but really, it's not. I don't need the drama from someone who decided to butt into my business and was too much of a coward to tell their friends in a community- who are thousands of miles away, most likely, from you, and aren't going to hurt you for pointing something out to someone- that you decided to show a link to someone who was being talked about behind their back. If I had been meant to find it on my own, I would have.
And now I bid you farewell. I could've been the mature one and not have commented, but I think it's better doing it this way in this case. I don't WANT to block you, but I don't really see much of a choice. I don't want the extra drama, especially on this journal, so thanks, but no thanks. Take the drama somewhere else.
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