1. Who are you? (Username, real name/nickname/etc) I be Kher =D From addme_fantasy. 2. How did you hear about this Livejournal? I found it through your main(?) journal awritersfantasy when I added you back. 3. Why do you wish to add this Livejournal? Mm, to read and [politely] critique your writing, because I appreciate a good beta myself, eh? 4. By adding this Livejournal, do you plan on actually reading and giving constructive criticism instead of causing unneeded trouble? Of course. I may not be able to read everything, but I'll offer concrit on what I can and I won't ever cause trouble intentionally. 5. Do you write yourself? If so, do you have an LJ, Fictionpress/Fanfiction.net account, or web site where you post your writing? Yep. I post mostly fanfiction online; writer's phobia, you know, but I'll post some original stuff from time to time. FanFiction.Net and Deafen, my website. 6. If you write, what kind of writing do you write? Fantasy, fanfiction -- mostly Harry Potter and Zelda. 7. Are you looking for anyone to critique your own writing? I always welcome good concrit, so sure ^^; 8. Would you be interested in joining Fantasy Chronicles, creativefantasy, force_challenge or _fantasycontest? If so, let me know if you do! I've joined creativefantasy, and I'll take a look at _fantasycontest. 9. Any other information? Not really, but I do love the (Reply to this) (Disconnect this person's internet) faux comment on your userinfo.
2. How did you hear about this Livejournal? I found it through your main(?) journal awritersfantasy when I added you back.
3. Why do you wish to add this Livejournal? Mm, to read and [politely] critique your writing, because I appreciate a good beta myself, eh?
4. By adding this Livejournal, do you plan on actually reading and giving constructive criticism instead of causing unneeded trouble? Of course. I may not be able to read everything, but I'll offer concrit on what I can and I won't ever cause trouble intentionally.
5. Do you write yourself? If so, do you have an LJ, Fictionpress/Fanfiction.net account, or web site where you post your writing? Yep. I post mostly fanfiction online; writer's phobia, you know, but I'll post some original stuff from time to time. FanFiction.Net and Deafen, my website.
6. If you write, what kind of writing do you write? Fantasy, fanfiction -- mostly Harry Potter and Zelda.
7. Are you looking for anyone to critique your own writing? I always welcome good concrit, so sure ^^;
8. Would you be interested in joining Fantasy Chronicles, creativefantasy, force_challenge or _fantasycontest? If so, let me know if you do! I've joined creativefantasy, and I'll take a look at _fantasycontest.
9. Any other information? Not really, but I do love the (Reply to this) (Disconnect this person's internet) faux comment on your userinfo.
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