This is an announcement to let you know that I am going to delete this LJ.
I am not writing this story any more- at least not any time soon. I stopped back in October for no specific reason other than lacking motivation to continue writing it, despite being a chapter away from finishing the first chapter.
I have moved on to new, better ideas. Thus, I created
scribedenigma, which is my new writing community for only my writing and is friends only. If you want to join/friend the community, feel free to do so.
I know I said that I was going to delete this journal a long time ago, but this time I'm actually going to do it, after I make sure I get all of the critiques in to Word for future reference.
I will probably have this journal deleted by Wednesday night at the latest.
As a side note, check out
Inspired Writers as well. It's just another message board for writers that I made, but it could use some more members/posts.
You're welcome to add my main LJ,
awritersfantasy, but if you'd like to read more of my writing,
scribedenigma is the place to go.