new year bust

Jan 15, 2009 23:20

Well the new year started out with such promise to bad it didn't last. I was going to walk every morning and start eating healthier but then I decided well if I'm going to walk my sister should too. That didn't work she is not a morning person and I didn't really want to walk alone. So that got put on the back burner, I also decided that the eating better would have to wait until we eat all the food we have in the house that isn't healthy. The only thing is I keep buying the wrong food to add to the bad stuff we have in the house. I'm at least out looking for a job. I hope that soon I can start working so that I can get some extra money to help out with the finances at home. The one good thing is that I've gotten interested in anime again. I've started reading the fanfiction again and looking for new shows to watch. If any one out their has any suggestions I would welcome them.
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