Woop! Ise retarded!

Mar 16, 2005 12:47

Yep, doing a meme because I'm a follower and I couldn't help giggling at Ghost's answers (not in a bad way). Now it tis time to giggle at mine:

1. Have you ever been in love? Yes
2. Describe "love." Indescribable, really. It depends on the person. If I were to describe it to some people, I would be told I've never felt love or loved too much. So, it's really a gray area and up to me. Frankly, it pisses me off.
3. Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...is this true or not? Yes, discluding all the bitterness, of course.
4. If you could have anyone in the world love you, who would it be? I don't know, someone I could love, really. It sounds like I'm forcing someone to love me in this question and I simply could not tolerate that.
5. Are you scared of love or to love? Yes, because i'm afraid of hurting someone and always, always being wrong...
6. Has your heart ever been smashed and broken? Yes, it still aches, but I've learned from it, too.
7. Have you ever been dumped? Yup, fun times, fun times.
8. Have you ever had to dump someone? Yup, even more fun times...ugh.
9. Would you hurt your ex physically if you had the chance? I would say no, but lately...Ugh, I just want my video games back, dammit! *snarls*
10. What advice to you give to those who have yet to experience love? No fucking...you don't want to remember your first time and regret it, I'm sure. And be sure it is love, I wish I could say I've fallen in someone immediately, but I'm so damn cautious...

1. Ya done it? Nope, I'm a wimp.
2. How many positions and styles have you tried? None, but I actually wouldn't mind trying some silly-ass ones I saw in the Kama Sutra. I'm silly like that...XP
3. Which is better: sex with someone really sexy or sex with someone you love? Both? I can't really be shallow, sadly...I've tried.
4. Whats more important: your partner pleased or you pleased? Me pleased!!!! *lol* Um, both, methinks...
5. Should you save sex for someone special? Yeah, but after the first time it's open field...*giggles* J/K
6. Describe the best place to have sex. Someplace warm, safe, and soft. Seriously, or else my whole groove gets thrown off ~_^
7. You ever cybered before? Awwwww yeah! *bow chica bow bow* And it was gooooood...hahaha
8. Which do you like better: making love or sex? I actually prefer the term 'making love', but I'm a sentimental slob. Either or is good, there can still be love behind it.
9. If you had one thing you want the opposite sex to know about sex, what is it? Guys, for the love of God, make sure to give the women a little somethin' before diving in. It can be quite painful without lubrication and most women do not receive any pleasure from you goin at it like a jackhammer. Hell, if you met a woman that has, she's either faking it or quite the masochist. Get a little creative, huh? Oh, and love and lust aren't the same thing, you dickwads...XP

1. Have a job? if so how much ya make? No, I'm a bum.
2. What do you want your career to be? Something I'll enjoy doing. I couldn't stomach doing something I didn't enjoy.
3. Which would you rather have as a job: a person that puts live and healthy animals to sleep, or a proctologist that works without gloves? That...is just disgusting. This is probably the only question I refuse to answer...Brrrr.
4. Would you ever be a stripper? Hmm, probably not...Piggy men piss me off so much, but the idea of appearing sexy or the adrenaline rush of being on stage might be fun.
5. Have you ever sold illegal drugs? No...I sold chalk powder in 2nd grade though...I thought it was kinda wrong...
6. If you had a dollar, what would you buy? Some fucking candy...I'm a glutton and I want me some sugar!!! Ugh, I waste money too much...
7. Green or colored money: which ones better? Colored cash would be cool, I guess. But, the dollars we have now are still intriguing to me.
8. Save a penny of throw it away? Save it, if only to play with it XD
9. Checks, cash, or credit card? Ugh, I'm not allowed anything...I want a debit though...
10. Simple question: what do you buy with your money? Anime/Manga, video games, books, candy, art supplies...I blow it all, really.

Body (or, The One Where Mystic finds out she has no shame XP)
1. How tall are you? 5'7" Give or take a centimeter
2. How big is your chest or package? 36 C, I believe.
a. Men: circumsized or natural? Only seen...oops, I mean 'heard' of circumsized...But, natural may be very interesting...*licks lips and giggles insanely*
3. Pubic hair: is yours shaved or not? Not at the moment, but I have...I'm too lazy to right now.
4. If you could change one thing about your body, name it: My ass wouldn't be so big and jiggly...even though that's one of the only features most men notice on me...*grumbles* Perverts...
5. Have any tattoos or piercings? Ears, but I wanna get my belly pierced.
6. Birthmarks or scars anywhere? I gots scars and at least two birthmarks, methinks. I don't make a tally.
7. Work out? How often? Yes, and usually before bed for the hell of it, when I feel well.
8. Widows peak or no? Nope.
9. Flexible or not? Oh yeah. I've put many a man's head in the gutter when I've stretched in class...It's fun to watch them drool ^_^
10. Can you lick your elbow? cmon try it! Nope, only if I dislocate my shoulders (Yes, I've done it.) but that hurts.

1. What's more important: love or money? Love. And maybe the guy can have a little cash...*wink wink* *lol*
2. Drunk driving: have you ever? No!!!! Ugh, drinking scares me as it is...
3. Smoking cigarettes: good or bad? Bad...but, people have a choice. My mom's just been pissing me off with it lately, like it's the only reason she survives or something...
4. Casual sex: good or bad? Eh, I can't see myself doing it, but someone else as long as their careful is okay.
5. God: exists, doesn't, don't know: Yup, He exists. It's true because I say so *lol*
6. Lies: do you lie often? Um...Yes and no. I'm normally a painfully honest person, but when it comes to making up interesting stories to tell people about myself. Well, let's say I embellish a bit.
7. Would you ever cheat on someone? No, even the idea would make me vomit.
8. The birth control pill: stopping God's work or a good thing for woman? Hallelujah! It is a good thing, especially for endometriosis.

Random Questions
1. Describe your feet. Long, narrow, filthy, and mangled. Sexy, huh?
2. When's the last time you washed your bed sheets? Yesterday...Some chemicals I had to put on the cat pee seeped through.
3. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? I have tons, but I sleep with none. My kitty may piss on them...T_T
4. What DO you sleep in? Pajama pants and top, since a man lives here. But I used to and prefer sleeping in a tee and panties.
5. Have you ever been through an earthquake? Um...no, unless it was one of those small ones you barely feel.
6. Collect anything? Jeez, everything of mine is a collection.
7. How many pairs of shoes do you have? I dunno, a lot, I think. But, I only wear maybe two. >_<;;;
8. If you could kiss ANYONE you know who would it be? I dunno, kissing hasn't been a big deal for me...Now, who would I glomp? That's a long list.
9. Your worst feature about you overall is: I'm too emotional and crybabyish. Damn me...

There. Now you all may laugh...And I forgive you, Ghost!!! *goes to read StM* XD
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