(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 04:35

surprise, surprise..

You scored 40% Air
In romance, you're drawn to the qualities of an Air Sign. You're turned on by a man's intellect and sense of humor more than his net worth or fine physique. You desire a mate who will match you wit for wit and keep you up all night talking. Air Signs prefer to keep things light and even, so if you want love that's playful, you might be most turned on by a Gemini, a Libra or an Aquarius mate. Read more about these Sun Signs to discover more about their motivations and desires.

You scored 40% Water
In romance, you lean toward qualities exhibited by Water Signs. You seek a mate who is kind and compassionate, not afraid to feel, someone to whom you can really bare your soul. You appreciate romance and sentiment, and though the man you long for may be a bit shy or innocent, he is very, very generous and open-minded. You'd probably love to be with a Cancer, a Scorpio or a Pisces lover.

You scored 20% Earth
In romance, you lean toward qualities exhibited by Earth Signs. You're turned on by affluence and opulence. While you crave status and security, you also want a man with a sensual streak as strong as his stock portfolio. You like to take things slowly and make informed decisions, so you may find a Taurus, a Virgo or a Capricorn lover to be the sexiest match for you.

You scored 0% Fire
In romance, you're drawn to the qualities of a Fire Sign mate, someone ambitious, ardent and active. You don't like hesitant men -- you like a guy who'll take a chance and make the first move. Impatiently passionate, you need someone who will show you a good time -- and the world. You have a good chance of finding happiness with an Aries, a Leo or a Sagittarius man.

Mr. Right quiz - what you need in an ideal mate

Astro-Beauty Quiz -- Which Elements Influence Your Beauty Style?

You scored 40% Water
Your beauty is naturally appealing in a soft, dreamy way. Like the Water Signs -- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces -- you tend to gravitate toward fabrics that drape or shimmer, in watery blues and greens. You also love natural fabrics, like cotton, linen and hemp. You may have a slightly ethereal look, with filmy skirts and lots of layers, or you may wear comfy ensembles of loose pants and blouses. You probably kept several of your mother's or another treasured relative's old coats, dresses and jewelry items. In fact, most of your clothing, jewelry and furniture have some kind of sentimental value, whether they belonged to someone you love or someone special gave them to you. For you, your emotional tie to something is based on its history, and how you feel about an item matters almost more to you than its actual use or meaning. If you're not a Water Sign, you definitely feel Water's influence in your chart.

You scored 30% Air
Your beauty is quirky, offbeat, sometimes even funny. Like the Air Signs -- Gemini, Libra and Aquarius -- your tastes tend to range far and near and change with (or without!) the trends. You have a great sense of humor and you love blending the newest fashion with a standard piece from decades past. Up-to-the-minute heels paired with a fifties poodle skirt and a crazy, zany blouse might be just your speed! In fashion as in the rest of your life, you're not afraid to try something new -- in fact, you prefer it! You love it when people don't know what to expect from you next, and unusual outfits or experiments with meditation or herbal healing are just the beginning. Your interests will likely take you far -- you could travel the globe, picking up fashion tips, healing remedies and spiritual guidance from India to Paris to Timbuktu. If you're not an Air Sign, you definitely feel Air's influence in your chart.

You scored 20% Earth
You possess a natural, sensual, direct beauty. Like the Earth Signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, you're all about playing up your natural beauty -- and you know just what that natural beauty is. You've got a solid sense of style and tend to stick to classics, colors and cuts that will always be timeless. This sensibility extends outside your closet and your makeup bag, too -- you take the practical, tried-and-true approach to just about everything. You're likely to be where you want to be regarding career, love and money, or at least you have your goals in sight. If you're not an Earth Sign, you definitely feel Earth's influence in your chart.

You scored 10% Fire
Your beauty is spicy and alluring in the extreme! Like the Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius you're the original rebel without a cause. You like attention and you'll do almost anything to get it! You wear bright colors and you're not afraid to show some skin. You're likely to be as fiery in your career and your love life as you are about fashion; you're all about pushing the envelope. You won't take anyone's word for anything -- you want to experience everything firsthand, even if that means you get into trouble from time to time! Trouble doesn't scare you, anyway; you know how to turn on the charm and you can get out of almost anything. If you're not a Fire Sign, you definitely feel Fire's influence in your chart.
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