(no subject)

Jul 29, 2006 05:20

Wow..my alter-ego got hitched :D hehe

Avril *so* got hit with an ultra-pretty stick!
She's all grown up, model-esque & uber classy 'n stuff :)
..I think I'm jealous :'( heh

totally cool

Great Pics!

so cute

Notes about Avril: We don't have Avril's birth time as yet. However, she is a Libra with a Scorpio Moon, Mercury in Virgo square to her Sagittarius Mars, and Venus in Scorpio. We look forward to learning her birth time so that we can delve deeper into the Astrology of Avril.

With both "feminine" planets in Scorpio and her Venus conjunct Pluto, {holy Scorpio!} Avril Lavigne certainly has guts and willpower. Avril shares a Scorpio Moon with the musician she is often compared to - Alanis Morisette. Although her Mercury is in the modest sign of Virgo, it forms a tight square to her Mars in Sagittarius, giving her the drive to let others know what she thinks (and she won't always come over in a tactful manner!). Mars, however, is also conjunct Neptune, and Neptune squares her Mercury as well. This configuration suggests a creative and intensely imaginative mind. It also suggests a powerful magnetism, and a drive to express, talk about, and write about her unique spin on the world.


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