(no subject)

Aug 16, 2010 22:49

Feels like it's been ages since I posted here.

Last time I posted I was in Seattle? Had just met with Zinou or something. Well, I finished off my time in Seattle by meeting up with my "cousin" who I'd just been with in LA and my other uncle and his newlywed wife. I hadn't seen my uncle in years so that was good. Hadn't ever met my new aunt before, she was awesome. Really kind.

We messed around a lot together. Had Taco Bell for the first time. Tried the Fire Sauce on my food. Agreed with my uncle when he said it tickled. However, even if it went down okay. It really didn't sit well in my stomach. Back in the car, whenever there was a bump or sudden movement, the food would slosh around inside my stomach and it felt like my insides were burning. Was only a one off occurrence though. Tried again at another point and even after slathering my food with the Fire Sauce I was fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Um, I only just noticed the couple in the background. Ignore them!
But yeah, lots of fun to be had. For the next two nights my other uncle stayed, we had Korean style barbeque out on the lawn. We just threw out meat on and ate straight off the grill :3

Little Kayla is such a cheeky girl.

Despite the look on his face here, Jack really does like me lots. He was just a bit cranky.
BBQ was really good. Lots and lots and lots of meat. A bit of beer too~

After my other uncle left my cousin and I mostly bummed around and then headed back to Seattle so we could go our ways (him to LA, me to... wherever). While I was there, I met Bree! Gave her her present :3 Went to fly to Orlando to meet up with Zeph... except Jet Blue doesn't fly direct. Had to layover at JFK and there I found that a flight to Orlando had been cancelled... causing a backlog of 140+ irate passengers. Eventually though, found my way to Orlando, met with Zeph and then we flew to Chicago! We got there later than planned but it was all good. On trying to get to Grant Park for Lollapalooza though... we went the wrong way and ended up in the ghetto. That... I could have done without XD

We made our way to Grant Park though and awesomeness ensued. Green Day put on a decent enough show. Lots of hijinks and shenanigans. Lolla in general was really cool. Nice atmosphere and we had wristbands from our three day pass so we could walk in and out as we pleased. We had some Chicago Deep Dish Pizza in the heart of downtown, it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. We also found some diner and had some nice food there. Apparently, both are quite well known. X-Japan put on a fantastic show and for a "day" performance drew a massive crowd (it was amusing to see the huge influx of Japanese people in the crowd) and were simply just awesome.

Getting back home was also a bit of a hassle and ended with me sleeping in O'Hare International Airport... I'd rather not ever have to do that again o_x Still, got home okay and headed back to Lynden. Messed around some and now here I am (after spending some more time in Seattle and caving again to buy the Reborns Gundam and Armoured Core Mirage C01 Gaea). It's Fair Week apparently and my uncle's father in law turns his property into a parking area for the fair ($5 for the day). The entire family helps out and I went along. Waved flags all day, exchanged money and directed people for parking. It actually wasn't that bad aside from the sun and the one lady who thought she'd try and pool the wool over my eyes. You can go to hell lady.

Still, there's just an underlying feeling of fatigue about this whole trip, travelling constantly is really starting to wear me down. I'm also kinda out of money (I have like, $20 left) though my work for helping park cars apparently gets me money for the fair. They have chocolate covered bacon so I guess that's alright. Anyway, long story.... not as long, I'm heading home on Thursday local time. Due to time travel magic and lengthy travelling time, I get home at Home Time, Saturday!
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