Is the Komen split with Planned Parenthood really about pink bibles?

Feb 02, 2012 10:56

There's an article this morning on NPR about the Komen for the Cure meltdown. The piece leads with Brinker's video response that says no, it's really not a political thing. But the meat is a few grafs down:

The latest controversy appears to have begun last month. An evangelical Christian group called Lifeway was selling pink bibles for Komen. But Lifeway discovered Komen was giving Planned Parenthood money.

"As soon as people figured out the link between Komen and Planned Parenthood - that there was a funding link there - Lifeway pulled all the bibles off the shelves immediately," said Amy Black, a political scientist at Wheaton College outside Chicago who studies evangelical Christians. "This was the kind of thing that captured a lot of activists' attention."

Lifeway is a big player in Christian publishing, with both online and physical presences (NOLA folks: there's a Lifeway store in the old Gentilly Woods Shopping Center, next to the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary). Ever look at what's for sale at a "Christian" bookstore? The quality of the merchandise is usually pretty horrid. A gimmick like pink bibles would mean a big boost in their sales. Give the political and religious connections Komen for the Cure has to right-wing politicians and businesses, this is no surprise.

So, Lifeway finds out Komen is hooked with Planned Parenthood and blows a gasket. Who will ever buy stuff from them again if they find out those pink bibles are killing babies?
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