A Classic "Rec Me..." Post

Dec 09, 2018 21:36

As I work on figuring out my gift list for Christmas, I come to Dreamwidth with what is basically the perfect question for this crowd:

Please rec me LGBT books for a 15-year-old girl. She's not super into ~discussing~ things with me, a family member [she has basically acted like a 15yo for the past decade], but this is my attempt at a show of solidarity.

  • Not super into comics but did read & like Ms Marvel a few years back
  • Okay with fantasy & SF but not REALLY their thing [despite my best efforts lol]
  • Overall preference for fiction, but she does get super interested in really interesting or WTF historical figures
  • Likes: 13 Reasons Why, Pretty Little Liars, Grey's Anatomy, Full House [idk why this show made a comeback on DVDs but here we are], v. into makeup

Have been thinking of Malinda Lo's Ash altho I can't remember for the life of me whether I've already gifted it to this household;
were_duck thought When the Moon Was Ours. I'll likely be getting two books.

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