I live.

Aug 11, 2007 01:55

I didn't post much this week. It was a bad week, mentally. I don't know why. I pulled through, though, so I guess that's all that matters ( Read more... )

friends, movies: stardust

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Comments 4

watercoloreyes August 11 2007, 07:20:17 UTC
I want to see Stardust too! :o I haven't read the books, but it looks really good. And I might have to pick up the books eventually.


mystickeeper August 13 2007, 20:34:32 UTC
Do it! Luckily, unlike The Sandman, Stardust is only one book. Which version you get is a different story, though. You can get it as a novel, or a graphic novel, methinks. I was unaware of this until I already owned the novel.


karenb2 August 13 2007, 18:11:03 UTC
Oh, man, if I'd known you'd just seen Stardust I'd have pestered you about it! I went to see it on Sunday. As I waited for a friend in the lobby, I figured (correctly) that all the goths were going to see it -- not Transformers, which starrted around the same time.


mystickeeper August 13 2007, 20:33:48 UTC
It was yay-fun! I'm glad you got to see it, at least!


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