The Legendary Janus Audron, nice.
You are Janus Audron
Benevolent, noble, and wise, Janus Audron
represents the final vestiges of glory
exemplified by the Ancients. Fatalistic but
optimistic, Janus Audron feels that to
everything there is a purpose. A compassionate
individual, Janus Audron cares little of his
own welfare when it is in conflict with that of
his people, as evident by his sacrificing
himself into the hands of his Sarafan
persecutors so that Raziel could escape
unharmed. When possessed by the Hylden Lord,
Janus begs Raziel to destroy him, more
concerned about the harm he could cause while
under possession than his own well-being. Janus
Audron, because of his self-sacrificing nature,
eventual martyrdom, and resurrection could be
likened to a literary Christ figure.
Which Legacy of Kain character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla BOOOYAAAA!!! Raziel baby. Nice pic too.
You are Raziel.
Strong willed and determined, Raziels dominant
attribute is resolve. Raziel sees himself as a
free agent and refuses to play into the
machinations of manipulative entities such as
Moebius, the Hylden, or the Elder God.
Sometimes rash and careless however, Raziel
manages to walk right into their traps on more
than one occasion. Raziel is a passionate and
free-spirited individual, whose behaviors are
dominated more by emotion than rational
thought. This is evident from his rage over
Janus Audrons destruction, his relentless quest
to resurrect him, and his inability to destroy
Janus Audron when the Hylden had possessed him.
However, Raziel is not so fanatical that he
cannot see reason, as illustrated by his
abandonment of his quest to slay Kain when he
saw that it would play into the manipulations
of Moebius.
Which Legacy of Kain character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Vorador, excellent.
You are Vorador
Dignified and stately Vorador spared no expense in
furnishing his lavish mansion with all manners
of luxury, including, at one point, a harem of
vampiric brides. Vorador is perhaps more
egotistical than even Kain, believing that his
Dark Gift places him in a position of
superiority over mankind. Vorador is
knowledgeable, confident, and resourceful. He
is loyal and devoted to his friends, as shown
by his giving of his signet ring to Kain, and
his reverence of Janus Audrons corporal
remains. Yet woe to those who wrong an ally of
Voradors, for to them his wrath is merciless
and forthcoming, as when he slaughtered six of
the Circle of Nine in reprisal for Januss
Which Legacy of Kain character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Moebius, little prick...
You are Moebius.
Manipulative is the trait that Moebius best
exhibits. Always seeking control, Moebius feels
powerless when he does not have absolute
command of a situation. This is evident by the
tenacity with which he clings to his precious
staff, and how cowardly and desperate his
countenance becomes when he must face Kain or
Raziel without it. Moebiuss chief objective is
to oblige the will of his master, the Elder
God, despite the consequences it may bear on
other individuals involved. He is a zealous
servant, crafty, knowledgeable, and observant,
who deals with his problems by detecting and
monopolizing on weaknesses.
Which Legacy of Kain character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Ah yes, finally, Elder God. Bring on the destruction.
You are the Elder God
Fatalistic in the extreme, the Elder God concerns
itself only with what is and what must be.
Infinitely patient, the Elder God finds
security in its belief that the Wheel of Fate
must turn, and that the events that come to
pass are those that must come to pass by order
of fate. This is evident as the Elder God seems
unshaken and unfettered throughout most of the
LoK series, despite the turn of events. The
Elder God believes that there is an order to
all things and tries to propagate Order and Law
through the use of its many good servants. The
Elder God epitomizes lawfulness; it contends
with problems through a hierarchal
chain-of-command by using Raziel as his Soul
Reaver and Moebius as his good servant who in
turn controlled the Circle of Nine and the
Which Legacy of Kain character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Sorry, just had to test a few answers. But I cannot find any other results other than those listed here now. I can't wait till the next installment in the LoK saga....oh the excitement, I'm gonna wet myself just thinking about it....kidding