Oct 14, 2004 14:40
That's right, I'm just dying to leave this non existant job today. I'm stuck here inputing and updating student files, by myself. My boss and the Secretary left to go to some meeting somewhere this morning and won't be back till after work is closed. So I have the whole office to myself and I'm bored. No music since this computer has no speakers...insane as that sounds it's true. No radio and I can't play my music on the Secretaries computer because it's on the other side of the room, so I have to play it loud so I can hear it, not good thing to do in an office building, sadly. So just typing away, have the rest of the month to do all these, fun fun fun. But at least today has been quiet, not too many phone calls or people stoping in. It's great....
Now then, Teressa is currently out shopping for my B-day presents. Based on my list I can't wait for that day to come lol. New games, movies, music...and if I got none of those, then bet your paycheck I'm buying them myself. HA. Of course I'm working before, on and after my birthday and I get paid the day after so I'll be doing all my shoping on the 22nd...if needed. Later this week I must get my oil changed though, can't forget that...not that it has anything to do with this subject...I just am putting it here so I'll remember to do it.
Mom, you'll get an updated list from Teressa. She is gonna delete the stuff she got me and send you what's left of my list via email ok. So keep a look out for it tonight and tomorrow.
As far as getting a new job goes...the one I applied for ended today. So by the end of the month I should know what's going on. If I don't get that, 45k a year I'll be missing :(, there's a few 25k a year jobs I can attempt at. Including the one that Mr. Director of Personnel was suposed to be creating for me but hasn't yet. Not that it's a bad thing, 45k or 25k, hmmmm which one do I want more. It appears as though I may have to settle for the 25k, I'm not sure. My resume was number 28 out of the 39 that applied, and from what I've seen, those people know more than I. Given they are almost twice my age at least and all, I know a lot for my age...in that job I mean. I know nothing else really, you all know that lol. But age does not matter here, so I think I'll lose out on this high flying job. But we have a little bit of time to still hope.
Well I best be going, have one hour left and should update more of these kids, you know, work, what I'm being paid to do. Instead of messing around...dang responsibilty...