Sep 27, 2004 00:06
Ok, Friday, after not eating from 10 pm the night before, I finally got my wisdom teeth removed at 3 o'clock that afternoon. Well all but one actually. So now in the stages of my recovery, I feel very odd. The Medication I am takign to relieve the pain is meant to make me sleepy as well, but today, it is not, I am wide awake, have the urge to do something...but all I can think about is sleep. Haven't had this feeling since my days before my Spleen was removed, way back in like 8 th grade or something. So that is why this update comes so late at night...or for all you night owls there, early in the morning.
Today was decent, I finally got to lv 53 in Everquest, much exitement to be had. 7 more lvs to go, about 3 more months if I'm lucky but probably longer since groups there suck, I don't know. Just working on not buying any of the games I want till after my B-day and perhaps if I can wait that long, Christmas. That way I'll actually have money this year round. Have to go shopping to get Teressa some stuff for her B-day this Sunday...yes this sunday she'll be 21, and I'll still be 19 till 18 days later. Time is sure flying.
Going to go into work later on today to get my check from this past Friday and deposit it. Perhaps take my car in to some repairs, if needed. If not, just hang out since I have the rest of the week off. Take a look around for other places to work, inquire about jobs opening up at my work, etc. Mostly, I must see this Fable game in action, so I shall make my visit to Joe's houes at some point in time. From what I've hear of it on the phone it seems decent. But it just reminds me that I don't have an Xbox nor the time to be starting a new game when I have yet to beat all my old ones. And some of them, this'll be the first time I really beat them...because I always get distracted with new releases and such. Cursed pokemon fiends, how I shall defeat the elite Four and claim my prize...soon as I choose what pokemon to fill my final slot with. As well as level them all up to 60+, think my highest is 57, unkown, have to check later today.
Ate some hard food today, somewhat, didn't realize just how hard it would be to force my jaw to not lock up after all this is over. Stretching it and keeping it moving is tiresome, but not that painful. With luck, I should be back to having total control of my mouth withint a few more days. If not then, sometime after that.
And well, it's past my bedtime...yes it is, so I am not going to be saying much except rambling nonesense. So to save all you humanoid drones from that painful experience, I bid you fairwell. I'll say more later when I am thinking the next few days, or something.
Closing Statement:
"Let's fuse him with the juice box"
"No, why must you always fuse something with my juice box."