For those who wanted to know how it was going to end

Jan 19, 2008 20:40

Sorry my creative inspiration was flowing as of late, but I am prepared to offer to everyone how the campaign was suppose to go. Mind you if we had played obviously stuff would have changed this was just a basic guideline. (btw Shanna I wasn't going to wreck or distort anythign in the Diolainnai forum, I lost alot of my bitterness and besides I don't mess with characters, ever.)Anyways for those who are curious...

After resolving the whole disput with Rebecca's character sorry forgot her name, you realise there are still some that would pursue you. You finish the quest to try and get the bunch of scrying wizards who think you will doom the world off you. You guys manage to politically do that. However the visions at night that you have that come randomly grow more and more wanting you to go to a certain port, Diolainnai decides to go there and the wall of death agree to become a permenent part of the crew. They reach the port in Time as Karina, william Gainer, and katula get off the ship just as they are attacked by the dominion thinkming they had the book when in fact it is Diolainnai that does. A huge battle erupts, the wall od death is holding off 10 hard line fighters while karina is saying fuck this shit and killing people with her bow and Diolainnai swoops in with all the guns and is killing everyone :)

The group meets in a quiet place and opens the book and BAM most secrets are reveled now that the locks are open. Basically the Order of Primordia existed a LONG time ago, the book and thier base in the north the only rememnets left of them, well almost. They existed to study adn harness magic, true fireball casting, monster summoning, castle building, flying type of magic. Unfortunately such power did not go unoticed in the universe. Foriegn gods not born of this world tried to come and Collect this magic to help fuel and keep them alive. The order saw the danger was two fold, first if magic existed it would attact the gods and kill them, second if they destroyed the magic they found life could not exist without it, it was an inherient part of the soul. The soul needs it in the background even if not casting it, magic is the source of all creativity and vibrant energy people's and cultures possess, without it people would turn stale and so would the world and soon war would dominate as love died. So in thier infinant wisedom they decided to split and hide magic deep within the planet and within people's souls. the two parts of magig not being able to be fully realised without a key.

There are buried 3 crystals that will unlock the key according to the book. Unfortunately the key have lost most of thier power and may be unable to bring about the origonal spark of creation that was inheriant in magic. The first crystal is located in the deepest jungle of the planet where huge trees, plants, insects and creatures roam. i was going ot have a giant fight with a massive ape. kind of king kong esque but would have really fit the scene. the people are all prehistoric and huge because they are near the crystal of power.

The second crystal, one of structure is located on a forgotten island, and the only way to get there is by ritual and the boat eventually stumbles across it. i was goingot have a complicate maze that reacted to what you did to get this crystal. Unfortunately you are tracked by the dominion, they are able to follow the books lead and Arlen herself is able to steal both crystals in an epic battle of your fleets against hers, you just make it into the fog bank and back to reality to get away. This is when you discover the Dominion is an offshot of the order of promordia, basically instead of fighting the gods the Dominion wanted to embrace and help the gods to join a peaceful adn prosperous future and not fight. but they do have some trinkets that can track the book since they are of the same order. You also find out that arlen can use the crystals to obtain the last of thier power the first crystal of powers raised all her stats to 7 our of 8 making her increadablely powerful, the second of structure made sure her form couldn't be destroyed, meaning she instantly heal any wound and can no longer die from accident, poison or any means. You see her battles as she searches for the last remaining crystal are truely horrific and unstoppable.

You also learn that the Dominion has one last super weapon, a god, one of the usurpers form long ago. unfortunately he was destroyed in the last battle of magic against them and blast apart around the world- it's heart and power is the items that bring good luck to the town fo prosperity but tortues one man, it's arms in the dessert, legs under the sea in the under sea place, and head in the sun worshipers. The dominion race fo the parts as well as you you both get equal shares. but you get a clue ot the third crystal from the voice you hear, infact the voice is an emmenation of the crystal. you go to a temple and find the last crystal in a dream as the crystal can only be found ian certain place int he temple when dreaming. At this point Arlenis relentless and brasen she can't be stopped and her power grants her almost god like ability to fight, track and follow you.

You come across rumors that the steam city is building the last Alchemical Solution - which oyu have no idea what it is but it's better then dying at arlens hands. In the desert you encounter a massive crater, 2 miles wide fileld with snow that never melts. Everyone ews and ahs, Karinia isn't impressed it's just snow. Though the mad alchemists tries to eat some Diolainnai wisely encourages him not too. To make a long story short after many trials in the cityand finding out that the Last Alchemical Solution is a weapon, Arlen finally manages to catch up to you. Diolainnai holds a gun up to the crystal which makes Arlen stop cold, unfortunately she has enough thugs that take the rest of the God parts from you. After some shouts and tensions rasiing, Arlen slowly comes closer but ALL of a sudden the god comes back to life. his parts fly together and his form resembles that of an advanced robot. Everyone is stunned and Arlen cats her spell of Slow and is able to reach the crystal as the gun goes off, Diolainnai is still too quick but unfortunately the crystal doesn't shatter and suddenly Diolainnai gets a sick feeling that running may be the better part of valor in this particular case. The last crystal impart eternal youth adn ever lasting life to Arlen, she has become a god incarnate.

The robot suddenly approaches ina cool manor towards Arlen, Arlen being way too proud to even care of the god anymore. The god speaks that it must have the power in her to maintain his race and grabs arlen and arlen begins to wilt and die, very painfully and she can do nothign to stop this robot. A light comes form the god's eyes that cuts men and objects apart like nothing (a laser) at this time everyone gets away as the dominion try and fightthe god realising they made a huge mistake. the party gets back to the steam city adn reports thier findings, the concil believes it is time for the Solution to roll.

Now picture the worlds biggest Alchemical creation brought to life. They have spent 1000 years works on this massive structure. it is a tank of hardened steal that is errected from the landscape around the Steam city. The city itself was a giant scafolding if oyu will to create this behmouthin plain sight. the large ground of iron raises up to made the sides and giant slabs of gargantuan sides run up and create the top, back adn sides. What was formed was a tank 1/2 mile long, 1/4 mile high and 1/3 mile wide. Instead of tracks it used massive flanged wheels for better traction. It's armor 20 feet thick. it's armement consisted of primitive rockets that fired straight, large cannons, and gattling steam guns. Also steam vents near the ground could instantly freese and kill any army or troops below. Also it's largest weapon was most terrifing was a massive 20 foot diameter gun that fired polycharged densified nitro glycern shells, that when they exploded could level an entire city. the glycern was inert and had many thin wires goign through it that when it hits the wires carried an electrical chrage to set off the nitro. But the most special structure inside the machine was it's engine the reactive steam engine, without getting too technical it uses a new liquified steam from purified water and highly refined oil mixed with pure leyline liquid which catalyses with a philosophers stone. All of this happens under unimaginable pressure turning the concoaction into a steam fussion engine. The first engine that was made exploded and left the gigantic crater you found and the concatoin made snow that can't melt. It was an alchemical atomic bomb essentially.

Baically the god robot calls for more troops and ships, a ship comes with mechs, power armor and sci fi type units. Believe it or not the steam fortress is able to handle it own while taking large hits and damage but takes out mechs and the ship with it's glyceron cannon. But the technology of the aliens are too powerful they eventually cripple the fortress. the robot comes in to study the technology adn see what he can steal. Basically the engine int he fortress is the highest concentration of magic as peopel unknowingly put so much energy and work into it that the steam fortress itself is bending the magic continoum. It is the key!!. you noticed that during the fight peopel were doingimpossiable things liek flying adn shooting lighting and stuff. but the robot god beats you all down adn the group decides that if he takes the engine the world is doomed and everyone you love or wish to protect. You all decided to detonate the core knowing it will kill you and the god in at the same time. The engine explodes and what happens next is most remarkable and will be known as the pointin time when magic came back to the world, the robot having unwitteningly stored the energies of the crystals but not having the power and then being caught in the blast gaves those essentences the ability to repopulate magic back into the world. Though the heroes died, they were all resurected 3 days later from the first of the advanced clerics and shamans who used thier old magik texts and found them powerful enough to bring back the dead. So that night evenyone celebrated the heroes who killed the doom gods adn restored the flow of magic back to where it should be.

So that was the adventure in a nutshell, I had alot of fun thinking about it when we did it and just recently I had the inspiration again to finally share what would have happened. Of course playing it out could had lead to different paths and stuff but I liek how this ended and everyone keeps thier chracters in the end.
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