the day the World ceased to Turn...

Sep 24, 2010 16:58

So it started back in 2004, I was sick with a flu bug or some shit.. for a solid week while living with my then fiance on a remote island called Gabriola in bumfuck Canada, eh? We had a little 20" tv with rabbit ears that at any given time depending on the wind or weather or some factor undetermined received one of  3 public channels from Vancouver, BC. I was stuck in bed and so Simon set up the tv for me and the only thing he could get on it was the oldest soap opera in history that has been broadcasting since 1956 ~ As the World Turns. There was about to be a wedding between Paul Ryan and the late Rose Kelly.. nothing like a wedding/murder mystery to suck one in! Well needless to say it was rather boring living on a dinky island in the middle or Winter where the only thing to gossip about was what redneck left bar too drunk the night before and wrecked his truck into the cafe at the bend in the road.. I was hooked! Been watching it ever since... 6 years of my life for one hour a day every Mon thru Fri I got to tune out the world where I live and be a silent witness to theirs. I know it seems ridiculous but after all this time, through births, deaths, unions, and separations, watching their kids grow up and start to date one another as well.. these people became a part of my life who I count on to always be there and up to the same old tricks! It's nice to have a source of drama outside of yourself otherwise you might go around stirring shit up just to make sure the world is still turning on and on on it's axis.. We're creatures of habit and we're prone to disbelief whenever we reach a state of success! We need to be reminded what turmoil and trouble we could be involved with in order to appreciate what we think of as luck. Through my unemployment for the past year this show served the purpose of getting me up and out of bed each day. Like clockwork I automatically wake up everyday between 12:15 and 12:45 ready to arise, put on some coffee and catch what's left of the news as my cat and I relocated to the living room couch by 1pm. At 2 o'clock the day officially begins and I turn the tv off hop into the shower and prepare to run some errands or report for work at the office in my dining room area. It regulated my life!

Well CBS pulled the plug.. they killed them, those bastards!! I've honestly been depressed and in mourning the past week since the final episode aired without realizing what the problem was.. until today finally when I went to the Kiro website to see why "The Price is Right" had been moved to the 1pm spot. I mean I'm use to the president giving a talk, breaking news, or lord forbid some dumb football game or tournament having temporary precedence but WTF?! Now I truly believe mankind has entered a new era! One with a new set of challenges, triumphs, and values.. "Come on down!" One where we're clueless the laws of reason, physics, and to what limitations we are bound.. "Name your price!"

 The last episode:  I'm suspended in disbelief! Everyone is married, engaged, and/or having a baby well except the gay guys but what do you expect? I mean it wasn't a perfect world so come on ~ Am I really suppose to believe they just lived happily ever after from this point on?!?

cthulhu, airhead, orphic, rant, just commentary

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