"In god all things are possible"

Dec 02, 2003 20:43

Wow, so much going on and don't know what to do about it. If someone you cared about is getting themselves in trouble and you want to help prevent it, what is the best way to?? Do you confront them or do you go through someone else?? I don't want to see this person get hurt and I'm afraid that if I don't stand up and do something, it will be too late. Anyone have any advice??

The end of School is getting near and I'm glad. On Friday my new classes will be given and I hope I'm doing the right thing. Anthropology(religion, magic and witchcraft), sociology, 2d design, and graphic design. I'm going to work as much as I can during the vacation and save up alot of money.

I look back at my years in High School and I want to cry. I realized that I had a hard time during 9-12 grade and I wonder if having no friends was now the best thing for me. I mean If I had gotten in with a certain crowd would I have been a different person?? Would my grades have fallen?? I was never the church going person and I was never into a certain religion but it's not like it hasn't crossed my mind. I started going to chuch on Sunday and it was so refreshing. It was something I really enjoyed and I am starting to believe that it is something I needed. Some of the bible verses that were preached had a special meaning to me. I find there is something facinating about the words of God. I was never a strong believer and I never understood what the bible meant but now as I find myself sitting at night with my glasses on and reading light lit, I find comfort in reading the bible. I have thought about going for a few years I just have never had anyone to go with or to tell me how to go about it. Johnny mentioned how he went to Shephard of the Hills and said I should go with him sometime. I wasn't so sure about it at first but then I thought about it and said ok I'll try it. When we went, it was actually very nice.

So in the end I truly believe now that "Just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it doesn't make sense." Has great meaning. I didn't think the bible and religion made sense but it does and it makes sense to so many people.

On another note, I am hoping to get my computer back asap because it is driving me crazy. If you sent me a pic to be posted on the site please send it via e-mail to Mysticfx@earthlink.net All pics were lost.

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