Time and again

Mar 06, 2004 17:33

Well ther is only so much i can say about battle of the bands... 1. it wasnt as good as i thought it would be... 2. XPSYCHWARD RULES GO SHAINA!!... and 3. Mel Bob RULES!

its wasnt horrible.. it just wasnt good. Kim once again found a way to piss me off... go figure... my friend rob was broken and there was nothing i coulda have done... i felt like shit cause i knew there was no way to help him... tiara was mad about somthing some guy said (idk i didnt get the ful details)... shana had a fight with her bf... and im only on 3 hours of sleep...

now the good things... XPSYCHWARD RULES GO SHAINA you kicked some serious as up there... Mel Bob RULES! we love MEL BOB!!... every1 i met rocks and i saw old friends met new ones ect and its the best... SHANA LOOKED DROP DEAD GORGIOUS and she tagged like every1 there with her black lipstick... Mandy and Shaina looked dead sexy like always...

all in all it wasnt that bad i was there wit my friends so it was kool... the drama wasnt at its highest that was kool to ... next time hopfully they have some better music cause only XPSYCHWARD was good the others just plain SUCKED!!
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