Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva

Mar 01, 2011 22:42

Hello all! Here is something to hold you over while I catch up to Kimi ni Todoke and B Gata H Kei ;)

Watch Professor Layton in a new adventure! This Movie takes place after game 4. But don'tt worry I still enjoyed it and I've only been able to play 1 and 2 (3 is waiting for the summer hehehe >=] )

All you need to know is that games 1-3 are a trilogy and 4 restarts the series by showing you how Professor Layton meets Luke. That's why in the movie Luke is younger, and wants to prove himself as the Professor's apprentice. This is also why a certain young girl isnt around. The female at the beginning of the movie is a character from game 4.

Really the story can be enjoyed outside of the timeline because they don't refer to events in the game much if at all. Everything you need to know I've told you. If I forgot something feel free to comment and ask ;)

OBJECTION! This is a movie :D
*sorry I couldn't help it XD*

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Now go get some popcorn and enjoy! (^_^)

Professor Layton an the Eternal Diva

I had to use DropBox because the file is too big... since that's hosted on my computer I'll only be hosting is for a few weeks and then it will be deleted unless someone requests it down the line. Because of this you should download this movie soon!

EDIT: Bandwidth was exceeded in only 24 hours 0_0 The file is too big for the file services I use (Let me know if there are any others which can host over 1Gig for free) so if you want the movie I can send it through my messaging services for a week or two.

Aim EdenAngel88
Yahoo: MysticEden01

Just let me know you are coming from my blog and want the movie. Feel free to msg me even if I'm not online, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. :)

professor layton, anime, nintendo ds games, movie

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